
Monday, March 26, 2012

tea and a giveaway

today's tea: Bengal Spice and a piece of cornbread ... a corner piece ... the best

(but the giveaway is neither one of those things)

I've had this blog for over four years now
and it's been almost 800 blog posts
- p h e w -

and I started a Facebook page last week
w h y ?
I don't even do FB that well

just giving it a go and we'll see how it goes

and the giveaway?
click the Facebook badge to the right and "like" my Art in Red Wagons page ... your name will be entered to win a "Spring Banner" .... made with teabag papers and my own hand carved stamped birds, flowers, etc ... it's groovy

and here's what else is groovy:

about ten days of sky pictures - it's a daily show!


  1. You are now duly liked of FB... I am slowly getting better at it, but it just isn't as much fun as the blog is it...your skies are just gorgeous... such variety... and I have been looking everywhere for bengal spice tea but can't find it... am settling for Autumn Spice instead and thinking that might be close... makes a nice change from the jasmine and pear green tea I was drinking all morning... happy tea day...

  2. I 'liked' on FB. I started FB after my grown kids talked me into it. It's a good way to keep up with nieces and nephews too. I get to see lots of photos and videos of my grandsons too.

  3. I was up late, so stopped by. I don't "do" FB. I am not registered and don't want to, either. But I LIKE you and REALLY LIKE you on your blog (grin).

    I have my tea post already. No tea this week, just a look back. Sure love your sky!!

  4. I already "liked" your new FB page! :>)
    We should all start a new blog - just with sky photos - it is an endless source........
    Happy tea tues!

  5. I definitely "LIKED" your Facebook page and I have to say I adore the lovely carvings you have done! I so want to give that a try one of these days. It looks so rustic printed on tea bag paper...I love it!
    Have a super day Kim...
    Tina xo

  6. I think there is a blog or something that posts weekly sky photos or maybe it has gone now.

    i am on facebook however i forget to check it out. also timewise i visit a number of blogs and post on my own and that takes a lot of time, smile.

    anyway I "liked" you but not sure if it registered. I dont really understand the mechanics of that site.

    dont mean to complain here, just saying.

  7. Absolutely gorgeous little prints on those tea bags, and really love your watercolors too!

  8. Share TEA with me:

    Congrats on such a successful blog!
    Tea and cornbread an interesting mix.
    Happy T on T

  9. I finally caved and joined FB in late December ;)

    You certainly look like you know what you're doing to me Missy! and I've Liked you for awhile already :)

    Gorgeous pieces of sky you're sharing with us as well...I never tire of looking up or coming by to visit you

    I'm off for cataract surgery in my right eye this morning...looking forward to being able to see more clearly very soon and catching up with everyone later in the week.

    We had Bluebells for Tea today

  10. golly my link did not work

  11. I don't do FB...bummer. I've thought about starting a page for my blog/etsy store..keeping it all professional like you are doing but haven't gotten any further than the thought.

    Happy Tea Tuesday!

  12. i was a 'liker' from the get-go! i would like you all over again without a give-away! congratulations on making your page and for sticking to blogging...i always enjoy visiting here...happy tuesday, beautiful sky girl...

  13. thankfully we cut the cornbread so there are 4 generous corners. They are the best.

  14. The jury is still out for me on the facebook thing. I have an account. I kind of like it. I kind of don't. I do think I want a "page" though because that is the part of facebook that I like, updates from shops, businesses, and artists. I also like the pictures I get to see of family and friends.
    Love your clouds! I'm so off on my sky project!!!

  15. Hi Kimmie! I adore your little tea banner. So beautiful! And your skies have been gorgeous. Ours are hazy again. Today was very overcast, blustery and a bit dusty. I think it is to stay like this for several days. Time to hit the hay. Just aren't enough hours in the day of late. I'll have to visit the other tea partiers tomorrow. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  16. Spice tea and cornbread! What could be better! I LOVE your teabag banner. I have been saving lots of teabags and wondering what to do with them. I wish I had a moment to really think about it....and create something nice. I do love tea bags!
    I found your blog through unwinding girl. She is so fabulous and I dearly loved the name of your blog. I hope that someday you will also pay me a visit. I am now a follower. I'm also going to join in your giveaway...
    It's great eMeeting you!

  17. So beautiful Kimmie, all your stamps on those tea bags! xox Corrine

  18. It's always so delicious looking to visit here!!!!!!!! And your stamped bags are delightful!!! Pretty skies too.
    I like face book to show art, and to see my grand baby (she has her own page and is only 7 months old.)!!
    This new generation!

  19. Greetings...

    How adventuresome you are starting a FB page... I'm still fretting with my blog ( ha Ha).. but there's always enjoyment in something new to do... Good for you !!!

    Your stamped teabag banner is delightful ... so happy to see all the beautiful art you have here... I'll be back... In the meantime please do take a whirl over to the Grand Lady for a spot of tea sometime... Your so Welcome... Hugs

  20. I, too, clicked on a like or favorite item....and I'm not sure how to navigate this stuff.....but i have to tell you.....THOSE papers are STUNNING........



  21. I "do" Facebook almost every day - mostly just to see what's going on with my kids - they are both grown and live in other parts of the country. Anyway, I, too, "liked" you on Facebook, it will be neat to follow your comments, etc there as well as read your blog. I really love your sky pictures - they are so dramatic. I've been taking pitures of the sky from my back door nearly everyday for about two months now - never a dull picture.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....