
Thursday, March 22, 2012

photo transfer

I made a photo transfer of my great grandparents several weeks ago

(but I was quite unhappy with the results)

so, yesterday, I add lots of color with watercolor pencils

and burnished it with beeswax

now I'm happy

for more about photo transfers
follow the "photo transfer" label


  1. The colored pencils really made it pop! I would imagine it's hard to get a clean image on watercolor paper too because it has so much tooth, this came out great. Love the photo. xox

  2. The color is what struck me first...such a delightful couple and your transfer has such charm too dear Kimmie!


  3. you are so good at transfers. this one has great texture with your additions.

  4. Bravo. I like family art! This is a great piece to be treasured!

  5. I went to look at the other photo transfered pieces. Love your fabric pieces so much wonderful details...and that typewriter! Your NEW typewriter...too fun!

  6. As you might have guessed, I've been living in a cave for the last few years and so therefore haven't heard of this technique...I know I've got such a lot to catch up on.
    I love old family photos ~ I think they're priceless and to be treasured.
    You've done a brilliant job ;D

  7. This is the coolest!! Is that on a card? I think I will try this for some mail art.
    Lovely Kimmie!

  8. Very cool! Your artwork is fantastic. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  9. Very cool. You have so many good ideas and fresh techniques to draw upon (pun intended), and you seem to know intuitively what to do next. I admire your art so much.


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