
Monday, December 26, 2011

health(ier) tea

I've been for a walk today already

and plan to go on another walk after tea

- boxing day -
does that come from the idea of boxing up treats and getting them out of the house?

and this is just the candy

never mind the
cinnamon rolls
egg nog

uff da


happy tea on tuesday
a very healthy thing to do 


I've been off the grid all weekend and hope to get around to everyone
a s a p



  1. Isn't that the truth--the junk everywhere? I feel like I need to do a cleanse!

  2. I need to take time out from the sugary foods but the grandchildren are coming in tomorrow so I will have cookies with my tea! Blessings! Mary Helen

  3. Can never have enough Christmas cookies, well, maybe.....
    I spy a tiny little teapot on your tree?
    Hope you had a wonder-full holiday!

  4. Splendid welcoming photos. I am feeling the need for a bit of Healthy right now, too. Ugh. So many treats! it's too much!!
    Happy Tea on Tuesday!!

  5. I believe boxing day comes from Victorian times when large rich families had servants. The rich would box up christmas gifts they didnt like or want and give them to the servants. it might have been a servant holiday too or am i making that part up?

    Yes, lots of sweets but am hoping they will put on a few pounds as I am too thin. LOL.

    Maybe a cup of caffeine tea today is in order.

  6. We celebrate Boxing Day in Canada (where I grew up) and Suki is right about it being a servants holiday and gift time for them but the wealthy also sent around boxes of remuneration to their merchants, the grocer, milliner, dressmaker etc. Let's face it can there ever be enough gift-giving, hmmm?
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas at your house and I wish you a very Happy New Year!
    Tina xo

  7. Happy Tuesday, Kimmie! I didn't do much baking this year and we already finished up the toffee that my girlfriend gave us. A friend is having her cookie festival next week. Your walk(s) sound great. Since spraining my ankle, I haven't actually taken a walk for pleasure or the health benefits. Weather has been mild lately, I really should get out there and try to pound the pavement. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  8. sweets and treats aplenty...tangerines AND Botan Rice Candies are Christmas staples at our house and always find their way into our stockings

    hoping your Christmas was merry and bright

    here's to another tea filled year of friendship and sharing...thank you so much dear Kimmie for all you do to inspire and connect heARTs always!
    here's my T post for today:
    2011 T Tuesday Review

  9. Oh, I've lost track of the days, lol. But I have a coffee and baileys this morning...after this day, things will get, sort of, back to normal :) have a great t day everyone, I trust you had a lovely Christmas!

  10. Love the boxes no matter what the holiday means, waffles and tea sound good to me. Lots to walk off there with that list. xox Corrine

  11. I've already started a good nutrition and fitness program.....again....LOL. Love your photos. I look forward to more tea days with you. Hey, LOL, I'm glad your mom likes to make soap. Thanks for letting me know.

  12. I recognize "uff da"! Are you from Minnesota?

  13. Ha! I boxed up some treats today to take to my back door neighbors, who I affectionately call, "7 Kids and Counting" They never turn down food! Didn't know I was keeping up a tradition (Boxing Day)- I thought I was just being practical. heehee

    Love your photo with the candy wrappers prominent. Inspiring collection really too nice to EAT!

    Here's to will power in the New Year! Cheers!

  14. Love your blog, heard about you from Patti...

  15. this so true .. I LOVE your definition of boxing day!!


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