
Friday, December 9, 2011

candy dish

this once was my grandmother's candy dish

she always had this type of candy in it

as kids we weren't too crazy about it ... wishing for chocolate I guess

and even now, the only good thing in there is the raspberry filled one

but they sure do look pretty



  1. I remember these candies too. And how when I would lift up the lid to eat one, they would all be stuck together and I would have to pry them apart. But I would always eat one, no matter how long they had been in there or how stuck or gooey they were. Thanks for the memory.

  2. These sorts of candies are in my background, too. The candies in my kids' lives (though I don't keep a candy dish), are selections they actually like. There's a gap there, right? I mean, between parents kept inedible candies for show. As a parent myself, I go for what will be enjoyed. Thanks for the moment of thoughtfulness on the ever-fascinating subject of parenting, both past and present!

  3. We used to have a very similar dish in my family. And the very same candies. And yes, the raspberry filled ones were the only good ones!

  4. Mr grandmother had a dish just like yours and the candies were our special treats when we stopped by her house. Blessings, Mary Helen

  5. It does look pretty! But I'm w/ you that these aren't my faves...fill that sucker up w/ mint m&ms and I'm there! Or, while I'm wishing, raspberry cremes!

  6. I can taste those exact candies right this second. I know them from my own elderly relatives. Exactly. And how about that weird, involved apple on the inside one?

  7. What a pretty dish and all the better for the fond memories it brings not only you, but us too it seems! My Grandma always had mint imperials (little hard round mints) in a paper bag in her coat pocket:)

  8. I love that you are continuing the tradition. I never was that crazy for those candies either.

  9. Haha I felt the same way about hard Christmas candy but we all had some relative who put it out in a dish. If I had to choose I would pick the orange one I think!
    Have a good Saturday!
    Tina xo

  10. Seems like most of us disliked those candies - pretty as they were/are!!!LOL Love the candy dish.

  11. lovely to have your grandmother's candy dish. those candies are wicked on the teeth//cavities too.

    my grandmother kept chocolate covered mints in a dish. one summer my cousin and i plucked a mint from the bowl and after biting in found they were COVERED WITH ANTS!!!

  12. You brought back lots of memories with this post Kimmie! My grandmother had the same candy in a very similar dish. I loved the filled ones, but not so much the other ones. We had a store where we could reach into a jar and pick out what we wanted. Yes, and they were all unwrapped. LOL She gave us each a nickel and off we went to buy candy. I always chose the orange flavored candies. These are pretty photos.

  13. Those candies used to last until Easter! LOL but my Grama had them every year on the sideboard. I bought some a couple of years ago..stuck a taper candle in the centre of a jelly jar and filled it with those candys. Hardened like cement! LOL Thanks for the memories
    Mrs Noofy

  14. I remember those candies from when I was a child and my Grandmother put them in a dish very similar to yours. I also remember how hard they got, and how Grams was the only one who ever ate them. I think we got them because she liked them. I know Gramps and I sure didn't!

  15. My grandmother had that kind of candy, too! And, ribbon candy, which I never really liked but it was so pretty!

  16. beautiful...i love my mother's candy jar...great photos of your precious memory..

  17. Oh! I loved those candies. Bought them for my daughter. Haven't seen them in too long. Thanks for such sweet memories.

    BTW, your girl is beautiful. :)


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