
Saturday, November 5, 2011

a brilliant day

blue blue sky
a rare occurrence in November
don't forget to put your clocks back tonight


  1. yes, it was a stellar day outside - cold, brisk, sunny, beautiful! hope you enjoyed it!

  2. that could have been my back yard today. LOvely. Check out my blog and you will see simular pictures but with Mackeral skys. Today was wonderful out in the woods, cant believe its November

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! Wow, you still have leaves :)
    We had a beautiful day here too.

  4. those yellow leaves look like the sun, I can almost smell the air in this photo it is so visceral. xox Corrine

  5. this is a lovely intertaining blog, and on this Sunday morning it just gave me a pleasurable jolt of things I love.
    The satisfactionof a neat mend on a beautiful fabric art, I see these things as something that satisfied someone years ago to create something of beauty. U am sure you see that also as you save, the rust has never bothered me. So you have put me in the mood to touch and work with the basket of things simular in the sewing room. Thanks you.

  6. Wow, that's pretty! We will be in the Bellevue area on Saturday for a few days. Even if it's cloudy then, we love it! I'm looking forward to taking some photos of your beautiful fall color since we don't get any here.

  7. Ohhh, what a gorgeous capture, Kimmie! Just now beginning to get caught up after Mother Nature disrupted our lives with her Halloween "trick"! Geeze, I've missed a LOT here!!!

    I just adore vintage linens. Love the way your repairing/quilting them with the tea paper! Fantastic idea! And it's amazing how many things you can actually fit into a matchbox! So clever and fun!

    It's good to be back in Blogland! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. I love days like favorite fall tree is a golden gingko and today I noticed the leaves are almost all gone. Peace, Mary Helen

  9. Gorgeous photo. We're have a beautiful sunny day as well today. Seems odd for November. Snow showers tomorrow and the next day...then it will feel more like the date on the calendar. :)


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