
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

we are on the other side of winter

earlier this year, it took a few photos of local houses in the rain
today I revisited those same "grand old ladies"
and captured them in summertime's more flattering light

here they are side by side
what a difference!


  1. Wow, some real beauties shining in the sun and looking slightly haunted in the rain. xox Corrine

  2. That's fun to see that! Either way I'm sitting outside on the porch with my blanket in the rain enjoying my home in Washington! LOL :-)

  3. Both versions have such charm!

  4. Beautiful old houses. The yellow one really makes me want to sit on that porch.

  5. that you for posting these. . .they're great!

  6. ahhh
    then and now shots dear Kimmie

    I am a big fan of a rainy day...but well your photos show why the sun is gorgeous too!


  7. These rain/sun photos are great!
    Good idea.

  8. Great photos and beautiful houses !! Who would think a little bit of water could make such a difference. Something serene and inviting becomes almost evil in the rain ! Great contrast.xx

  9. What a difference. Your winters sure don't look like MY winters. Except for the yellow house with red trim, all the yards (grass) looked better in the first ones. I can tell all these have cool weather grass. I could be wrong because the rain distorts things so much, but it looks like there was some major landscaping done on the first yard. Lovely photos and the houses are so colorful, too. Enjoy your summer, dear. Ours is nasty.

  10. Wow...I think that I'd give my right arm for any one of those houses. What an incredible neighborhood you live in. It looks like they all have great big yards too.


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