
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

some favorite pictures from my trip

we were in the tucson area of arizona
this first picture was taken on a cloudy day at saguaro national park

this next one is in the old barrio neighborhood of the city of tucson
these old pueblo homes are over a hundred years old

and I love this one just for the memory of me saying, "stop the car! I want to take a picture of that bison!"

it's actually an antelope
I have more .... but I don't want to bore you :)

so happy to be home!

the county fair starts tomorrow and my third child is in 4H
I'll have some classic dairy country Americana pictures in the next few days
then school starts soon after that
I cannot begin to describe how forlorn I would be without my camera this summer
absolutely no time for rocks, paper, scissors ... or paint or glue for that matter
but my camera has been a constant companion ... satisfying the need to express something


  1. o you are cute! yes, that is definitely not a bison! pronghorn...and you nailed it...a beautiful shot...would make a beauty of a watercolor this winter..SO glad you have had your wishes for a 4H victory!!

  2. Love the shot of the pueblo home. Stunning colours! Good luck with 4H and welcome home!

  3. I absolutely love your photos and would not be bored by more!!!
    I agree that a camera is a constant companion and I will never ever divorce mine. ;-)

  4. you cannot bore me with your photos Kimmie...I find it hard to get enough!

    I leave the house with my camera and that helps me feel completed dressed ;)

    stunning pics and I am looking forward to THE fair...I remember wonderful shots from last year...but how can that seems like not that long ago!

    Enjoy * Enjoy!

  5. Lovely pictures-that blue house is so pretty! Glad you have had a good vacation.

  6. Oh I love that doorway, makes me want to melt and see what's inside. xox Corrine

  7. All of your photos are beautiful. I've never been to AZ, would love to go. Have fun at the fair. I'm headed to an East coast 4H fair in Hunterdon County NJ on Thursday evening to relive my teenage years! So much fun!

  8. And your camera has served you well! Your photos have been exceptional -- these are actually spectacular.

  9. Great photos, much enjoyed. I love the little cactus with the red "hat" especially. And applause on that great animal capture!

  10. We have those here not far from my house in Colorado springs - they are "different"- remember - Home, Home on the Range......

  11. I was born in Tucson!! you were in the heart of an artist's pallet! such brilliant and glorious colors. So glad you got to take this trip and enjoyed yourself. Love me some county fairs! good luck with any 4H projects that may be up for judging.

  12. Your photos are beautiful. Great shots. I especially love the doorway.

    Hope your day is going great!
    Gaby xo

  13. I've felt very much the same as you...without my camera, I would have been creatively stunted for the summer.

  14. O my God, you took a picture of my blue house. I LOVE the barrio... It's not really my house but one can dream. I hope you took a walk by the other houses in the Barrio, there are so many treasures there!


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