
Friday, August 26, 2011

it's totally fair ...

... to boss around an animal 4-10 times your size

... to stare down someone on the other side of your cage

... to express your opinion with some bumper stickers

... to have a cuter face than any supermodel

... to stand as still and be as shiny clean as your best friend

... to kiss in public

I mean, it's TOTALLY fair


  1. Love it. It is TOTALLY fair. The best part is sleeping over in the barn!

  2. Love it, love you! Thanks for the smile! X, Trix

  3. Perfect day for the fair! Makes me smile to see these critters. :)

  4. Looks like a perfect day for the fair. Ours isn't here until the end of September. I love watching the kids handle those animals, talk about impressive and they work sooooo hard. Love those pigs. xox Corrine

  5. Ha-Ha! Very cute! Looks like fun. Best wishes, Tammy

  6. the horse barn at the MN state fair was my summer love...xoxo

  7. Kimmie, I ADORE your "fair" pictures!!! I still remember last year's post. Takes me for a lovely trip down Memory Lane!

    Just got caught up on your Arizona vacation too. I show my son, who's 33, your pics. He loved being in AZ, and enjoyed your pics too.

    Hope that all is well in your world. We're getting ready to entertain Irene tonight! ♥ Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. Thank you for taking me along to the fair.....I so enjoyed it , the photos and commentary, perfect. Hope you are safe. xx

  9. Awesome photos...the pigs are too cute.

  10. PPPIIIIIGGGGSSSSS... Loving fairs. I did not know they had them in America too. Probably bigger then here in old Jolly England. You take the pics I would take too.

  11. Fun post! Love the fair pictures. We decided against our state fair this year. We've been trying out many of the local museums and parks this summer. Stay-cationing.

  12. each and every photo along with your narrative is Oh SO delightful dear Kimmie and sealed with a KISS...
    just perfect and so much fun!

  13. love love love your fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is one of my besttttt programs!!!!!!!!!!!!!lovely!!!!!besosenormes kimmie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. O the pig love picture is my favorite. How sweet is that.


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