
Monday, August 8, 2011

it's not really tea

they're "shrubs"
it was something I heard on the radio from a local blogger
(Cook Local)
she was talking about a drink she makes for parties and get togethers
it's another choice for her friends who don't drink alcohol
and when paired with foods it's as interesting as wine
perhaps a more elegant choice than diet coke, lemonade or iced tea

now don't get weirded out: It's made with vinegar
but by the time you actually drink it the vinegar is no longer vinegar

here are the links to her recent posts about shrubs:
(and recipes)
Rosemary Orange Drinking Vinegar
Shrubs (or Drinking Vinegars)

they're easy to make, and once made, will keep in the fridge for several months
one jar will make about 25 servings
these pictures are of my shrubs after the first step
the green one is lime/basil
the middle one is rhubarb
and the last one is cherry blueberry

I'll show you a finished one next week .... and I'll be happily sipping it mixed with sparkling water

... and that's my tea on Tuesday post for today ...
what are you having for tea? Or not?
if you've posted it on your blog, just mention it when you leave a comment
and we'll be happy to come around and ooh and ah over it :)


  1. Ooooh ! Love your photos of your "unusual" beverage, looks very appetising but does sound a bit weird. I think those two words 'shrubs' and 'vinegar' makes me think of "pickled weeds", but i will keep an open mind. And, yes at last I have a tea post. xx ( what happened to Mr. Linky ? Did you finally give up on him? xx

  2. How cool. I've never heard of this -- am off to look at the links!

  3. I've never heard of these either....but what an interesting idea. Can see me trying some of these out.....thanks for the idea!

  4. Thanks so much for this post Kimmie -I can't wait to have a go.

    My grandmother used to make raspberry vinegar when I was young and she gave it us as a medicine when we were poorly!

    Your photos are fantastic BTW.

  5. Hmm, the vinegar part makes it sound quite unappealing - but I am anxious to see how it turns out!! If you like it, I may give it a try. Will have to check your link. Drop by for tea, if you get a chance!

  6. sounds interesting. i'll check it out.

  7. Huh...never heard of that. Will have to look at your links later. Off to the ortho with the girl this morning.

  8. very interesting...I'll be clicking your links to find out more...leave it to you to turn vinegar and stuff in jars into something beautiful and it lasts a month!

    Wishing you and yours a very happy T Tuesday dear Kimmie!
    oh here is my Morning Glory T post:

  9. honestly you are the queen of resourcefulness, I bow to you oh goddess!! would love this recipe! happy tea day!

    here is my tea

  10. Wow, this is so interesting and the color is beautiful. I will have to try this soon.
    Go here for my tea post...

  11. I think this will be a lot of fun to try using strawberries and some of my cinnamon basil. I am going to give it a whirl. Gave a great tea day and here is my post:

  12. However they turn out, they are beautiful to look at. Will you have to store them in the fridge or can you leave just in a cupboard? I will check out the link.

  13. Elegant pictures!!! I remember reading about "shrubs" when studying pioneers in grade school and thinking that they sounded so cool!!! They look lovely.

    I would love to have some visits today...

    Thanks, Kimmie, for hosting!


  14. How cool is that! Gotta try this!

  15. I'm a believer in vinegar. I will be checking out the link and will likely make the drink...(HA! an improptu poem.)

    The color is fabulous!

    oxo Judy

  16. Now that is very interesting indeed. I have never heard of drinking shrubs. We don't get many vinegars here. Did you use apple cider or are you able to get special ones? She mentioned blood orange ... we are lucky if we can find grape vinegar around here. :/ I look forward to seeing how yours turn out. Best wishes, Tammy


    Love the pictures, they are very decadent looking!! Have a great time enjoying the August haze. . .

  18. Fun post, will have to check out these links.

  19. So pretty and refreshing looking! Love the jars!

  20. Wow this is very interesting! I'll have some of the rhubarb please!

  21. me ...I'm just looking at the amazing photos!!

  22. Wow, these look so beautiful in their jars, art to drink and all from nature. Spectacular. xox Corrine


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....