
Monday, August 8, 2011

I am partly to mostly unplugged in this month of August. Stop by for tea on tuesdays or random summer snapshots. I will make the rounds and see what you're up to ... but to be quite honest I have been too lazy for much else :)


  1. Know the feeling - enjoy the summer...............

  2. an excellent idea. so important to take a blogging break and enjoy "real" life. have fun in your sweet yard. drinking tea. wouldnt you be shocked if i really did stop by, knocking at yr gate!! LOL

  3. Although I've been posting, I too feel the heat of summer. Of course, mine is REAL heat that doesn't quite dissipate at night. Call it lazy or just plain uninterested, it's a good time to take a break.

  4. Unplug away! :) If I lived in a beautiful area with a fabulous garden I would unplug too! But I'm staying indoors every day to beat the heat. Tomorrow's forecast calls for a high of 124. Back to work on Sunday so will continue to enjoy these lazy days while I can. Enjoy your time! Best wishes, Tammy

  5. we are finally going to get a weather break here tomorrow...high of 75...i don't know what happened to spring and summer but i think a break sounds dandy...i have been "blogging without obligation" all summer...xo enjoy, will be here before we know it.

  6. o i forgot! i love your new blog topper...super cute shoe shot

  7. I am suffering from the same summer syndrome.
    Glad it's not just me!

  8. I've been on holiday and have loved seeing all your wonderful posts now that I'm back.
    Enjoy the summer my friend.
    In Germany we don't have much sunshine this year. It's too cold and it is raining cats and dogs:(


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....