
Monday, July 11, 2011

lemonade standers

I had a completely different tea post planned for today, but came across this picture in my camera from a couple of days ago.
It made me grin - and I thought you would like it too.
It's a good day for lemonade, don't you think?

they sold crystal lite lemonade and homemade chocolate chip cookies
raising $18 towards "the new dog fund"
don't worry, our current boy is alive and well
- as are the 3 guinea pigs and the teddy bear hamster -
but the youngest girl wants a small sized dog she can show in 4H
our Bouvier is too big and too stubborn and too hard to handle
don't tell him that though .... he's just doing his job

I hope your day is a good one ... maybe there's a lemonade stand in your neighborhood!
leave a comment about your tea today, visit the other blogs who do that too and we'll all get around to say "hi!"


  1. Yes, your post DID make me smile ! :) What gorgeous happy, sunny photos. Your girls are beautiful and that is the cutest dog I have ever seen ( hope he won't feel rejected when the new one comes along ). Love the tip jar. xx

  2. That's adorable -- everyone pictured in every way!

    Good luck, girls!

  3. such a sweet post, Kimmie...Happy Tuesday!!

  4. Good to see kids working for a cause. :) My kids have always wanted to have a lemonade stand. Wouldn't work on this side of the world. And too dang hot to sit outside anyways. :/ Have a terrific Tuesday. Tammy

  5. I´m enjoying your beautiful pictures,your blog is so nice and cozy, love it !!

  6. Great post and it brings back memories for me when my kids did that sort of thing.
    Come visit my tea post at

  7. we do not see many old fashioned lemonade stands around here. so sweet! good luck with the new dog. you do have a lot of pets.

  8. Aaaaw!! I would buy lemonade for that cause!!I wish them good luck with their mission!Maybe they can find a puppy thru a purebred rescue- the adoption price is more geared to a "lemonade "budget" Hope your Bouvier will accept another dog in his circle!!I firmly believe in having a guardian dog and a fun dog!!! We have 3 guardians who can be fun!!LOL
    Drop by for tea...........

  9. I would love to have some lemonade about right now! Awww those sweet days of childhood! Happy Tea day!
    Come visit me!


    The above is MY tea post for today. Now on to yours: I love a lemonade stand and I absolutely love the tip jar!! Glad to know that folks were so supportive. Good luck in the new dog department and give a pat on the head to the current dog in residence.

  11. I had to laugh at what Tammy said, since it's the 5th 100 plus day this month at my place. 107F and 105F have been the norm rather than the exception this month. So I'll take my lemonade inside and enjoy it even more. This is one time I can truthfully says "wish I was there." Have a super tea (or lemonade) filled day.

  12. I keep forgetting:

    Today's tea post.

  13. The photo made me grin too! I love kids and lemonade stands. The times I see them are at garage sales and I always buy something from them. I've had to dump a few glasses of lemonade a couple of blocks away though after the eager sweaty little boy sticks his dirt digging fingers in the glass as he pours..LOL!! No time for get myself going, now!

  14. I remember my kids having lemonade stands too. One time a man drove up in a truck, screached to a halt and jumped out and said, "I'm just dying for a lemonade" and gave them a big tip. It sure made the kids day. I suggest a Boston Terrier for a samller, sweet, and very cute new dog. We love ours, even though she is a mix.

  15. lovely girls ofering love !!!!!!!!!! a post for the heart kimmie!!!!!!!!!muchos muchos besossssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. well good, I am not the only one who did not do tea today!! darling images and yes lemonade sounds great!

  17. Kimmie these pictures are so cute :)
    Have a great tea day. I'm not posting today, hopefully back next week for tea :)

  18. such industrious young ladies! a good way to start raising money! sweet post, as usual, so nice to pop in and visit you...happy tuesday, dear kimmie

  19. good for your girls
    such a summer time memory they are making...too too sweet

    many years ago I vowed to NEVER pass up children's lemonade stands ever!

    happy summer days to you and your dear family Kimmie

    here is my tea post for this week:


  20. I remember doing that. I hope you two have a financially successful day!

    I love your dog, Kimmie. I have always thought they were adorable. I'll bet they take a lot of grooming, huh?

    I would love visits!!!


  21. Enterprising sweetness. Good for them!!! Thanks for sharing. xox Corrine

  22. Your girls are SO color coordinated!!!! And obviously their presentation helped their bottom line!

    Happy Tea Day (I'm back this week!)

  23. How fun!! Love the tip girls.

  24. Precious, precious pictures and memories!!! How terrific that the girls are budding entrepreneurs!!!! Stay cool!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  25. How about a Stuat kind of dog? He was good at fending for himself with big Theo!

  26. gorgeous treats of summer ! and a memory forever for those girls. How awesome is that ?
    Happy Summer, Kimmie !

  27. Your dog is adorable!!!! Hope he likes the new addition.

  28. oh how adorable. i remember having a lemonade stand one summer as a kid. love the pixs.


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