
Monday, June 13, 2011

blossom tea

tea on tuesday
(in reality, posted on monday night)

this is the amount of light we have at 8:30 at night
needless to say, it's hard to nod off to sleep until about 11:00

so I've brewed a cup of "Relaxing Tea"
(San Francisco Herb and Natural Food Co.)
and am digging into a new book:

I'm hoping it will be a good one.
Gail Tsukiyama also wrote
a book I dearly dearly love
a love story that takes place in post WWII Japan.

So I'm off to bed now with my tea and my book.
I will see you all in the a.m.

(p.s. please drop Nancy an e-mail, she is at her wits end with blogger and has been unable to post, but would love to hear from you. Visit her blog and click on her profile to get to her e-mail address. She misses everyone.)


  1. Happy Happy Tuesday!! Kimmie!! this sounds like a good book to pick up ...oooh I'm loving your painted rocks...soo much...

  2. your evening light looks beautiful especially on that pretty tea today is about morning light :)

    your book looks enchanting

    Happy T to you dear one!

  3. You and Patty chose the best parts of the day for your tea breaks today. I actually LOVE all this light. I much prefer long days to long nights. So of course, this is the perfect time to read your new novel. I hope it is an enjoyable read.

    Happy tea today and I'm off to visit Nancy. I'm still having blogger problems, too.

  4. Love, love, love the rock!!!!!
    I am up early for tea - actually preposted and posted another yesterday also!! Getting back into the swing of blogging.............

  5. Goooorgeous rock, gorgeous post! I am so happy to back at Tea Tuesday! Your posts are always so inspiring!

  6. I will stop by Nancy's place and leave some cheer, have heard a lot about Blogger issues... fortunately I have had no problems...
    light until 11... yup ... we are light until 10ish.. so not as bad, but still takes a bit to go to sleep!
    thanks for the reading suggestion! sounds good... xx

  7. Summers in the States are always odd when it is 10 or 11 pm and still daylight is hanging on. We don't have that over here, and time never changes. Love all your painted rocks. My summer holiday has begun. Hope to catch up on reading and to get many projects started (and finished). :) Happy Tea Day! Tammy

  8. A beautifully fitting, zen way to send your day, Kimmie! Happy Tuesday! Hugs, TErri xoxo

  9. Relaxing tea sounds like a great idea at the end of a day.

  10. I've been having blogger problems of late too. I keep thinking it's me or my computer, and then happy when I find out it isn't! Happy T to you!

  11. Aaaahhh, tea and a (hopefully) good book. I envy you your time to read.

  12. That sounds so soothing and relaxing. I hope you enjoyed your Monday evening repose. xox Corrine

  13. A good book, a hot cup of tea sipped from a beautiful cup...what could be a more relaxing solitary time? Perfect.

  14. Glad I was able to join in this Tuesday! Enjoy your reading Kimmie. :-)

  15. Nothing better than sitting down with a good book and a nice hot cup of tea. I'll have to look up this book. I'm always looking for good titles for my book club.

  16. I'm ready to do some good summer reading...

  17. oh my goodness!!! you have illustrated this glorious book with your stone painting!!!

    i know, just say'in COULD HAVE!

  18. No tea for me today...getting ready for a friend to visit and 4-H here tomorrow. I hope your book is good. Looks like I missed a big party this week!


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