
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

virtual tea

over the weekend,  I had reason to "metacognate" about the virtual world

urban legends

Jill, Nathalie, Penny, Pat (and many others I am sure)
posted their
"this is me while I am blogging"

well, this is me while I am blogging

I have decided that blogging is my favorite piece of the virtual world puzzle

for instance:

I blew it on facebook .... I questioned the whole "unfriending" thing and called attention to an "unfriending" event .... which is better left ignored and not discussed (on fb at least)

I forwarded a circulating e-mail without first checking snopes

I think the only mistake I've made while blogging, is to not leave enough comments
kind comments are everything to a blogger
how many times have you posted something and then checked e-mail all day to see what sort of comments you've gotten?
 it's the kind words and encouragement that forge these lasting virtual friendships

facebook is not the same
you just sort of throw words out there and hope something comes back

e-mail will never replace a phone call

blogging is a very happy medium

and I am a happy blogger

well, I am off for a few hours now for some real (not virtual) time with someone
I hope your day is a happy one
full of kind words and encouragement
from both near AND far
real AND virtual
it ALL matters


(p.s. I will check back in and make the rounds with everyone later on this afternoon)

* * *
the tea on tuesday bloggers
(all kind and encouraging bloggers)

*new*My Cup of Tea 


  1. very wise words.
    I've just joined FB, my husband as well.
    I like blogging, am awed by it. FB is different. We'll see.
    I'm always slow to things.

    and commenting gets more difficult when you follow more blogs, or many follow you. I assume everyone understands, but it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately.

    no obligations though.. do what feels right. otherwise it's not you.

  2. It was a kind comment to open this post and see a photo of the blog you were reading when you took the photo!

    I hope you get over your FB snafu -- I've had many of those -- but like everything about FB, I've realized just how superficial it all is. Now, blogging -- well, it's like air and water and fire and earth to me. And that's partly due to you, you know!

  3. I was just thinking about FB and how different it is from blogging. And then I saw the movie "The Social Network" this weekend and it just kind of confirms my lack of enthusiasm for the social scene. I mean do people really get together to drink Tea on Tuesdays with one another? Thank you Kimmie for being our hostess. Today is my firs post, yayyy :)

    The Year of the Cats

  4. so true KImmie...and I've been making it simple given the amount of time I have in a day with a full time job and the "artistic pursuits.." etc etc......blogging is still in for me and it's the only thing for now...Happy T Tuesday my friend.....

  5. Nice to see you!!! I refuse to admit how many times I check back to see if someone has left me a comment after all the time it took to compose and put up a post! LOL Pitiful.............

  6. Great post Kimmie. I too am on Facebook, mostly to see all the photos my kids and grandkids put up. It's an easy and fast way to do that. I can download and print the photographs that I want. I refuse to Tweet though, I just don't have time for more of that stuff. I love blogging, but have slowed down on that too. It's easy to spend too much time at the computer, just like TV I guess. I love the outdoors, with friends, and love all my creating indoors, so that's what I focus on.

  7. My kids convinced me that I had to join FB --- hmmmm . . . . still not too sure about that decision. Don't use that account too much, and I still don't know what a "poke" is! I DO adore blogging though, and I LOVE my virtual friends. I also like receiving real letters and cards via snail mail. Call me "old fashioned"!!! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. Red is such a great color on you, Kim!
    I am SO glad that I am not the only one that doesn't "get" FB. I am seriously thinking about having my 14 year old ghost write it for me. Ha!
    She is already offering to post a profile photo for me (I have none on there!)

  9. i love my bog and the friends I havemade here ..we are all drinking tea and catching up with friends.

    facebook is new to me (my daughters have been on for years) but i did it for business...

    stay dry my friend!!

  10. Thank you for your post Kimmie! I too enjoy blogging best and like Pat I hate to admit how many times I check to see if any one has left a comment. I truly enjoy reading other blogger's posts about tea,life and just stuff! In the past I did not post very often but I am changing that. I have been enjoying Tea-on-Tuesdays, thanks for letting me play!

  11. You blog from a very tidy spot!! I'm so happy you posted this too! I agree the kind words are really so very nice. Now I have to look up "metacognate" ?? did I spell that right?!

  12. Just thought l would say..hello and it is nice to see who l am listening to and wriuting too. Nice image of you. luyndax

  13. I think of your blog as a gift. Your creativity inspires me and your photographs capture so much that they almost have a sound.

  14. I joined FB so I can keep up with what my nieces and nephews are up to. I have a few friends but I don't participate in any events, contests, etc. Mostly I just lurk, and that only maybe every two weeks or so.

    But blogging is now in my blood. I feel like I really know people. I realize we can know only as much as the other person allows. Blogging opens up the way for me to pray for those who express some sad event or trauma - like June or Patty. I love my blogging friends. Some are more congenial and more in tune with my likes and dislikes, but even those who are different teach me something.

  15. I'm with you. I love blogging. I'm approaching year 5 with my blog. I have made real friends with blogging. I must say I don't think I have ever commented on your blog though I have been "lurking" for some time. Love the photos that you post. I've made real connections with blogging.
    FB is very superficial and just not my thing.

    Thanks for sharing your tea with us. Have to say I'm a COFFEE DRINKER! lol

  16. I love comments, even just a hi!
    I've just had a really busy weekend up till last night, so I'm just checking all the blogs and ignoring my own :)

  17. Forgot to mention that I love your blog header :)

  18. this is such a fun place to come ... and to see your smile especially!

  19. So nice to "see" you! I won't be joining you though...sorry. There is a picture of the 16yr old me somewhere on my blog but no current photos.
    We ditched FB after a couple of months. It was too invasive...and came close to causing relationship issues. Totally not worth seeing what people I used to know are doing now. If I really needed to know I'd contact them directly.

  20. Yes, I've made all the same mistakes that you have too and really love the blgging the best. I guess it is as you say: the kind comments that we get from people. FB seems to random for me. No depth there.

  21. I forgot to that a dulcimer on the wall behind you? It's very cool looking whatever it is!

  22. Hello there. Yes, all those things have such different purposes. I agree - I miss blogging most when I have to be away from it. I like Twitter for quick research and checking up. Oh and texting - LOVE texting. Addicted, I know. Phones - not so much. In person ROCKS!

  23. Nice to be able to put a face with a name :) I agree: blogging has been the most enjoyable experience and the best part is finding blogging friends like you!!

  24. I really enjoyed your comments today. We must all be facing some of the same things. I like blogging but feel it's hard to get around to all the people I like to follow. And I like FB, I mostly lurk though and rarely ever post anything. Lots of people from my church are on there so I'm in the loop on whose traveling, whose doing what and helps me to feel connected with what's going on. I'm careful though, I don't just accept anybody who "friends" me and I must confess I've hidden some of those I accepted without thinking it through. Some of my nieces really have raunchy mouths!

  25. Love your are so good with them.I wish I could write as sincerely and succinctly ( did that word impress ) as you. Face book has never held any charm for me , not that I have tried it but by what you have said it sounds easy to create "complications" and we can all do without that. Even my two teenage daughters are " over" face book, one has taken herself off and the other is barely interested. I,m with you, blogging makes me happy. Happy Tuesday Tea to you. xx

  26. I came back to make sure you were OK after seeing the weather in your area today, and I see my comment didn't take yesterday. So, I hope this comment isn't tied to your lousy weather. BE SAFE and take good care of yourself and your family.

    My friend Scott said I needed a facebook page. I don't do facebook. I don't do tweets. I'm a BLOGGER and proud of it. It's all I need, and like you, appreciate all the comments that come my way. In fact, that's how you know I've been here. I don't leave without leaving one. It's like that "thank you note" you send after a great visit. I could not agree with you more that blogging is THE way to keep in touch with real friends. Happy belated Tea yesterday!

  27. I'm afraid Facebook made it easier to neglect my blog over the past several months. Like you said, "you just throw something out there". It takes little effort and a lot less thought to post on Facebook than it does to compose a blog post. Seeing the dribble so many post on Facebook proves that over and over.

    I've missed Tea on Tuesday and enjoyed "seeing" you as you blogged. I'm going to make an effort to join you for Tea on next Tuesday.

    It still looks brutally cold in your neck of the woods. I hope you are staying warm and cozy.

    Happy day to you.


  28. blogging IS a happy medium and lovely people like yourself make it so dear Kimmie

    fun to 'see' you for t today

    blessings to you and yours

  29. blogging is def. my favorite. kind are so kind to even think that and say it. yes, we all need these kind words.

    hope yr tea out in the rain was refreshing.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....