
Sunday, February 27, 2011

prettified matches

some things,
many things,
are an eyesore
... like strike on the box kitchen matches ...


 since I keep them out in plain view in my dining room
I had to make them pretty


 it was easy
I coated the top and bottom with gesso 
(that step is not entirely necessary)
and pasted on some cool wrapping paper
added some scraps of this and that
coated it with mod podge
(not entirely necessary either)

and now I don't have to look at an ugly red and blue box anymore

* * *

... and then I discovered this sweet picture on my camera ...

child's self portrait
(new pierced ears)


  1. Sweet self portrait and a very lovely matchbox!

  2. You are such a " bright spark " ( I know ,lame joke ). Great idea, might have to steal it. As for your little one..precious.

  3. Love the matches, what a nice thought you turned something ordinary into something very pretty! Very sweet picture of your daughter!

  4. Such a wonderful idea.. Very creative.. Your daughters photo looks so sweet..

  5. awww - what a great self portrait. A forever keeper. Child and photo. and GREAT idea for that darn match box! I love your approach. If it doesn't move - paste it!

  6. nice way to dress up something ordinary and every day. And great self-portrait - it's exciting to get your ears pierced!

  7. love this last parting shot.
    purely perfect.

  8. your daughter is lovely. you are so clever with the match box.

  9. That is a sweet picture of your daughter! And, I really like the match box.

  10. Awesome matchbox transformation. Love the self portrait of your DD...the expression is wonderful...sophisticated, I'd say.

  11. What a great idea! Matchboxes really aren't attractive, I keep mine hidden...may have to change that.

  12. Awesome idea! My matches are always hidden behind a picture frame, etc. -- too ugly to be seen. What a great solution! Love the surprise pic! Hmmm . . . . pierced ears . . . your little sweetheart is growing up!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  13. Very pretty matchbox and portrait !
    Just looking at your previous post - love how you sisplayed our ACTs.

  14. beauty from top to bottom ... pierced ears is a fun milestone!!


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