
Monday, December 13, 2010

it's the little things

I've made
mini cards made from
mini stamps
carved out of white erasers
(click HERE for the how-to post)

and mini gifts
of decorated matchboxes
(click HERE for the post about these)

* * *
I'll see you tomorrow for tea and catching up on things ....
until then,
 I hope you're warm and dry today
I know there's lots of snow for some of you guys
and if you're in LA you're trying to keep cool
Our town's river is expected to crest above flood stage tomorrow ...
we live on a hill, so we'll stay dry, but it's so hard on the folks who don't.


  1. How festive and fun! These little gifts will be greatly appreciated by their lucky recipients! Stay safe, Kimmie! Hugs & blessings, Terri xoxo

  2. Hey Kimmie your little tags and match boxes are beautiful; how clever you are.I will miss Tuesday Tea...i am going to Melbourne to be with my 'baby', she is turning 21 today,so will see you at tea the following week. Stay dry, stay warm.

  3. All so lovely -- and I'm certain that those who receive such beautiful gifts will be thrilled!

    Stay dry, please!

  4. oh dear! floods are awful, glad you will be high and dry see you tomorrow!

  5. You carved some wonderful looking stamps. I only wish I were that talented. I made the date 2010 and it looked like a child did it. No way could I make that amazing tree.

    What strange weather we are having. You may send some of the flood waters our way. It's been very dry here, and no snow, just blowing cold.

    See you tomorrow.

  6. Such sweet stamps! Love the simplicity of the cards...just a single color stamp on white paper. Sometimes it's nice to have a bit of a visual break...awesome.

  7. Lovely little gifties and your stamps are very cool... I want to try carving some.

  8. I love the small matchboxes you are giving for gifts. How creative! All the cards and the stamps you created them with are also lovely.

  9. love homemade, it's the best! your gifts here look so wonderful and i love the cards too!

  10. Beautiful handmade gifties ! And those stamps are so perfect !
    There will be some happy recipients in your circles !

  11. very pretty and special gifts made even more so with your creative spirit

  12. Your carved erasers are brilliant as well as those Merry and Bright matchboxes. Thanks for the inspiration-- maybe for Valentine's Day?


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....