
Monday, October 25, 2010

Art, Heart and Healing Journal - week 1

I first read about this online journaling class on Jan's ArtyATC Journey
The website is Willowing & Friends
and the class is called Art, Heart and Healing
Jan's first week's pages are great and she's so full of good things to say
... I thought I'd give it a go

The first week deals with your inner critic.
The point is to translate your inner critic's really bad and tacky way of communicating to you 
- mostly by put downs and abuse -
into what your inner critic might be really trying to say.
Usually it's going to be something protective and self-preservationist
... but not necessarily with the best advice 
... mostly it will be advice like: "QUIT!!"
So that's where you have to step in and weed out the good from the bad.
It was a really fun exercise ....
the class is free and Tammy is a great teacher.
Maybe I'll see you over there :)


  1. Lovely, I signed up for the class, but had trouble downloading the video. I do love what you did, though, and this is great advice.

  2. sounds wonderful -- maybe I'll go over and check it out!

    And I love those two pages that you've shown...

  3. your pages are so filled with what i too feel at times...seems like a class to look into to.

  4. you immediately prompted me to think of my own inner critic, the one that says, don't even bother, you can't do it anyway. sometimes i think my procrastination is not that, it is fear.

  5. sounds interesting. I will check it out. love your inner critics kind words.

  6. behind every critic is a goddess waiting to happen

  7. good for you, art journaling is so important! and releasing the inner critic is so important! xo

  8. art journaling can be so healing
    I am very excited about the Willowing group too ... very generous and talented artist

    so far I just did a little pencil sketching ... can't seem to settle down after vacation!


  9. Awww, thanks for your kind comments, so glad I inspired you to give it a go :)
    ...and from the look of your fabby pages, it looks like you enjoyed the art journalling has much as I did ;)
    Jan x

  10. i really like the stamps and how the bodice of her dress is a heart...thanks for sharing the info!


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