
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

twinchie transfers

Lisa Lee over at Inchie Arts asked me if this technique would work on twinchies
(that got me playing some more ;-)
are made from a high quality matte board
... they worked quite nicely in fact!
Thank you Lisa!

Here you can see that I've adhered my Twinchie Squares (dark cream) 
directly onto the images
I used Mod Podge - which is a decoupage medium
If you cannot obtain this, I would suggest Golden Acrylic Medium or white glue

Here they are individually cut out and fully dried
I allow at least half a day drying time
Next I simply wet the paper and gently rub it away leaving the ink jet image
(my original post about this process is HERE)

... and here they are all finished ...
The nice thing about using the Inchie Arts products for this project
was the sturdiness of the material
You definitely want to use something that will stand up to the abuse
(glue, water, rubbing, etc.)

this one is my fav
(these are all pictures of my dear old Dad)


  1. Fabulous - I'm going to give it a try.

  2. they came out beautifully! I love them.

  3. These look wonderful....great job with the transfers and thanks for the info Kimmie!

  4. Wow! These are really great, Kimmie! What a difference the substrate makes!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. I just went over all the photo transfer lessons here and below and am excited to give this a try.
    Just to reiderate. The photo to be transfered can be a copy right, not an original?

  6. i really think they turned so well ...great tutorial K.

  7. WOW! This opens a whole new genre to add to the photo classes...!! Just like the beeswax, I will tell everyone that you are the instigator of these fabulous techniques with the products!

  8. These are absolutely stunning! I'm going to give it a try. What kind of paper have you used for the transfer? Inkjet paper or photo paper?

    Check out my Blog, when you have a sec...


  9. These are super, Kimmie. I really like your Dad's transfer, too. Great way to make these tiny masterpieces. No words needed!

  10. I can't wait to try this. I just went back to your original posting of the process. Your watercolor image is exactly what you said. Ghostly and haunting. Thanks so much for showing this technique.

  11. Incredible! Love this idea, Kimmie! This technique would be a starting point for a beautiful hand-made Christmas gift. My wheels are turning. :) I wonder if the transfer would work on fabric of any kind.

  12. adorable transfers!! love your images too!!

  13. Aw, I definitely love these! They're so great.

  14. What a fabulous technique -- can't wait to try it!

  15. Can you loan me your Dad, please :)


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