
Monday, May 24, 2010

checking off the list

Making a list has helped me with my projects.
The weather has also helped.
Like this weekend - perfect knitting weather - cold and wet.
This is my attempt at Komi knitting.
(Click HERE for the flickr group)
It's a Russian stranded knitting style that uses a simple geometric pattern and usually only 2 colors.
I was going to make mittens, but changed my mind and I'm making a bag.
This is a strange color combination, but I'm liking it more and more.
At first I was like, "Oh no, I really have no sense of color at all!"
The two colors are almost the very same tone.
The effect is really really subtle.
Kind of scary subtle when you want the pattern to show.

Here's the same photo in black and white:

Isn't that so weird how the pattern completely disappeared?
I have so much to learn about color ....
but I don't think I'll add that to my list.
I like the happy accident that comes with ignorance.


  1. Two of my favorite colors-how could you go wrong? And you are a much more patient knitter than I.

  2. So interesting -- I'm finishing up a baby blanket and looking for something else to work on. A bag sounds like a wonderful idea.

  3. This is truly stunning, and the pattern has a real wow factor. Love those colors together, too. I would say you have a great sense of color.

  4. It's beautiful Kimmie....I love it!

  5. I'd have never thought to take a black and white picture. It really IS a subtle color difference that illustrates the point brilliantly. Kimmie, this pattern is amazing and you have the patience of Jobe!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. gorgeous combo of grey/green with that intricate pattern,
    and magic how it disappeared.
    cheering for those happy accidents,
    best way to learn!

  7. My sister makes beautiful socks...I am all thumbs! I love the colors!

  8. me awe...can't do anything more than stockinette...i like your how that black and white thing happened..

  9. hurray for happy accidents! yeah!

    this is nice...

    and just so you know...
    i am a passionate list maker!

    ciao bella!
    creative carmelina

  10. Your knitting looks perfect Kimmie clever you are! Love that olive green......

  11. wow ! this is so cool..I am a list maker too


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