
Saturday, March 6, 2010

misfit toy

ok - this little guy is weird and maybe even a bit scary
I used the "small bunny" pattern (see THIS earlier post)

note to self:
don't mess with patterns

another note to self:
it IS ok to add a heart though


  1. Even "misfits" need a heart!! He is CUTE!!!!

  2. I see a baby chewing on those arms and legs or a small child hanging on to one arm or leg, the rest of the toy dangling over his/her shoulder. It's adorable.

  3. Of course a heart is necessary and appropriate 'cuz he was made with love! Hugs, Terri xoxo

    PS - He's adorable!!! :-)

  4. fun little bunny with lots of heart ...

  5. such fun and even misfits can be cuddly and full of heart ;)

  6. He's so cute..and such a funky shade of turquoise!!! He definitely needs to be loved.....

  7. I LOVE your "mess with patterns." The "blue guy with heart" is adorable! I think DO mess with patterns. I crochet small throws and do whatever stitch I feel like making at the time. I do select yarns that "go together." Got tired of following patterns, talking, and finding out I goofed up the pattern. So - now I just do what I think. Of course, no one has to wear or stuff what I create. :-)

  8. oh no ...he is sweet...we are all a little "misfit" at times!!


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