
Monday, March 8, 2010

"i" is for ....

I've tried to come up with words that haven't been overused in this type of art
(assemblages, alterations, etc.)
A typical choice would have been "imagine."
And, in my opinion, is overused.
When a word is overused, the meaning is diminished.
I like the word "invite."
The possibilities are endless - and very kind don't you think?

This inchie uses an Inchie Arts white inchie base, wrapping paper, watercolor paper, microbeads, pearl-ex powder, a brass charm with the hanger removed, and a krylon gold leafing pen.

This is my letter "i" for this week's Inchie by Inch challenge.

I "invite" you to try making an inchie
inchie cinchie
easy peasy
especially when you start with an Inchie Arts base :)


  1. These insanely tiny pieces are beginning to call my name. Now if I could just figure out a way to make them bigger (grin).

    Invite is a great word, and it is especially pertinent when inviting bloggers to tea.

  2. A great choice of word for our I inchy - and I love the way you invited more people to make an inchie

  3. Never heard of an inchie but I like the sound of it. I would have thought it would be difficult working on such a small scale, but you make it sound so easy Kimmie!
    Perfect word choice too :-)

  4. I'm with you re: the 'overused' words. 'Invite' is good....
    Linda :-)

    PS I wish you could have been number 15 in my class too - that would have been lovely!! x

  5. great unusual word to use for this one , love the way you made a border with the beads.

  6. I love the idea of INVITE, you are right about the word IMAGINE overused in my oppinion too. I accept the what and where? :o)

  7. Great inchy... especially love the bead border


  8. hola kimmie!! l feel very very invite here in your lovely blog!!you invite us to share not only your invite us to share your heart and we feel very happy for that!!!!muchos besos!!!

  9. Fabulous choice of 'i' word for your inchy, love the microbeads and lil brass charm.

    Jan x

  10. love that you are addicted to inchies. and new words. and that you share with us!

  11. What an inviting inchie, Kimmie! The microbeads and gold and white color scheme have turned this tiny piece into a little gem of an invitation. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  12. inspire is another much used 'I' word, I guess I never tire of inspirational words ... 'invite' is lovely ... just like your sweet golden inchie

    You are the Inchie Queen!

  13. Kimmie, you are so creative! The inchies look very hard to make.

  14. Yes I can "imagine" (lol) how words can get over used. You've made a great inchy here. I like the word invite.

  15. Lovely inchie, the beads are fab! I did think of using Imagine for mine! but then came up with something different! xx


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