
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

jolly good

I've been working on some ideas for my etsy shop ...
maintaining my shop is always a struggle for me.
I guess I just want to play and "the shop" seems like work.
What do you think about this little jolly good fellow?
If you saw him in your wanderings, would you want to snatch him up?
Would $5 seem too high?
Just curious .....


  1. I'd snatch him up, especially if I could buy a set. They'd make good place holders during the holidays or for a birthday party!

  2. kimmie !!qué lindos!!!!!!!they are lovely!!!!un beso grande!!!!!

  3. Very cute! I'm not the best on pricing - I have trouble with my Etsy shop also!!!!You have such great stuff in yours..........
    I agree with you - playing is much more fun - listing the stuff takes the fun out of playing!!!! LOL

  4. Oh Kimmie, too cute! Like Elizabeth said...a set would be lovely :-)


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....