.... feeling stuck and that creative feeling is on vacation?
I sort my stash .....

bottle caps found on sidewalks, streets and parking lots all summer long (northern & southern hemispheres):

beach pottery sent all the way from Scotland:

... what helps you feel better about a little down time creatively?
you have inspired me looking at all the treasure...my favorite is the beach pottery. I guess always my camera and a new building or nature spot...also browsing through a thrift store ....
Well Kimmie, you always seem to be able to put your finger on where I'm at and this post is no exception. When I'm in a rut, I organise and tidy.Only problem is, I've run out of space to put things so the next step is clearing out...not so easy!
you're my kinda gal Kimmie, rescuing bits of this and that, that lots of people might just bypass
I am always amazed when I clear off my work table, I seem to get one idea after another unearthing bits of this and that
taking time to sit with some of the books and magazine I seem to collect and hardly look at is nice down time
all Muses need a little breather now and then :)
I start clearing the clutter - or take a walk looking for new treasures or inspiration!! I LOVE the Scottish beach pottery- is that what is washing up on the shores there?????
Drop by Linda's Fiber Fabrications - she's having a giveaway!!!
it just makes me giddy to know i am not alone in my scavenger hunts - LOL!! your beach treasures are wonderful!! i have not read too much in the last year since beginning to blog so i recharge by reading a good book...just finished The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and am now on The Way the Crow Flies
cheers, kimmie!
Oh, yes---sort, sort, and more sorting. I especially love sorting things by color. Maybe I need a support group for this. :)
Goodness! But the looks of the things you painted and made while on vacation, it doesn't surprise me that you have some creative down time.
I read when I can't write. Short stories, poetry -- those are the things that kick start me again.
Great stash, Kimmie!
oh i love you stash kimmie :) the photographs captured every detail of it! it's amazing how pictures can make something so ordinary turn into something so magical!
Yes, yes - beach glass, shells, old pottery... The perfect ingredients to get the creative juices flowing!
Hi Kimmie, You've got some little treasure beauties to sort. What I do is similar. I clean my art room and in putting things away I find things I could'nt find when I needed them and I put them out and am reminded to soon do something with. Oh what a visious circle this thing called creativity!
Good morning , I will ask you what do you do with the bottle caps ??
Show you this in a later post ?
The bird with sea glass wing is lovely .
I am looking always for things on the beach and have a lot of shells and sea glass .
Love from the Netherlands Rini a big fan of you !!!!
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