
Sunday, August 30, 2009

last one

I must say I'm going way out of my comfort zone by showing the watercolor and the photograph together.
You get to see how much I left out, added in or just completely changed.
But I guess I don't aim for realism at all.
I just try to play with shapes and textures that when put together give an adequate representation of what I saw.
Anyway, this is the last one from my trip.

It's another "out the window of the moving car" photograph of a sugar cane field. This shot really shows the edge of the rain forest coming down to meet the edge of cleared land and sugar cane. The agricultural run off from the sugar cane is damaging the reef (the Great Barrier Reef) because it feeds fast growing algae and crown of thorns sea urchins. It's a sad collision between humans and the ocean. The same thing plagues us at home here in the Pacific Northwest. We lose orca and salmon ..... and gain fast growing algae that thrives on all the fertilizer pouring into our waterways. Algae that is happy to live along side motor oil and plastic. Just like us. A peaceful co-existence? Yuk.


  1. I love this Because you included the photo. It truly shows that much of art consists in what isn't there.

    Thank you for stepping out of that comfort zone you mentioned, and letting us look at a scene with your artist's eye.

  2. I'm so happy that you've posted the original. Your interpretation is beautiful and sooo creative - a truly artistic piece masterfully done. Bravo!

    It's amazing, too, to see how the man-cleared land collides with the forest. Inspiring and eye-opening. Hugs, Terri

  3. Kimmie, that is what art is all about. Your interpretation. I love your style, I would hang these in my living room!! And hooray for showing us the picture. If it were a copy, it would have been dull.

  4. Magnificent == again. I know that it might be a bit much to use such grand language to describe your art, but it's true!

  5. I like seeing the photo also - it shows what your mind's eye sees- or how it interprets. You have a definite flair and style - I like it!!!!

  6. as I said previous i like to see the
    original...yours shows such texture and oh the colors you decided on are perfect.

  7. Love again what you've created and all the more interesting to see your inspiration pic.
    When I have a read a good book and then see the movie I never expect them to be exactly alike, but rather one inspired by the other.
    I bet your photos are wonderful to see as well. I am one who really enjoys other people travel photos, never find them boring. In fact, a friend went to Australia and when I looked at some of her pics I asked about details she had not noticed LOL! Thanks so much for sharing your artful eye and talent with us Kimmie! I Heart it all very much!!!

  8. Hi Kimmie, I love your art because it suggests that you actually have fun with your paints and it is "happy art".

  9. thank you for sharing your lovely trip...i really enjoyed your watercolors...hope to see them layered in some more work...they are wonderful..

  10. Your work is extraordinary. That's the beauty of art: we're free to interpret it any which way we wish. And there's no right or wrong. It just is.

    And this is inspirational.

  11. Kimmie, darling... your work is soo gorgeous. I lurve your interpretation of the picture. You've made it look so much more iteresting.

  12. Your paintings are simply wonderful. You always amaze me.
    Gaby xo

  13. It's great to catch up with your work Kimmie and I'm so glad that you've posted the photograph with the painting. I love the way you've interpreted this scene. Your watercolours are beautiful x

  14. I cannot add or say anything better than that which has already been expressed so....ditto! I agree with all and looking at your work warms and inspires me. Thank your for generously sharing your talent!

  15. I looked at this post a couple of days ago, and have been back twice since then. I really LOVE what you created. I hope you continue along these approach for awhile. Very nice - and thank you for posting your art and the photographs reality. Very nice!


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