
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rainy Day Tea

Grey Skies

Drooping Flowers

Hot Tea and Summer Reading

Titus Groan by Marvin Peak (a gothic british fantasy novel - #1 of a trilogy)
The Big Picture by David Suzuki (an examination of science and the environment)
The Appeal by John Grisham (let's just say "page turner")

For more tea on Tuesday - visit Nancy, Ooglebloops and Patty (my regulars) - and join in yourself if you'd like with your favorite cuppa and a bit of news :)


  1. Mmmm - a rainy day, curled up in a chair with a steamy cup of tea and a good book! Delightful!

  2. Good afternoon Kimmie! I'm just about to drink a glass of Mr. Scruff's Mate tea. I love the Titus Groan Trilogy and would like to do an artwork about the Fruminous Cake. It's very hot here, too hot to do gardening, so I'm off to my studio where it's cool x

  3. Rain seems to be a theme for many all around the globe these days :) The flowers are taller than I've seen them (weeds too of course ;)
    Thank you for another fun Tea Tuesday!
    ~*~ Patty

  4. We finally have some sunshine, and I just made a nice big glass of fresh iced tea to take to my studio this afternoon. Enjoy your day! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. Finally getting around to my tea!!! My reading was a pile of magazines from the thrift store- and I started dozing off.............!!! LOL

  6. I love your white roses Kim :)
    I'm late getting my tea time posted, but I should feel lucky to have it :)

    Looks like your weather was similar to mine!

    Happy reading :)

  7. Oh, and btw, you have an award on my blog!!! :>)

  8. tuesdays are magical here..good book stack too!


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