
Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Book

I took an old-ish picture book and sanded it ... then I applied gesso

then I painted it .... and applied tissue paper

then I attached my cereal box art to the front

and added some paper accents to the back.

Next, I'll gesso the inside pages and add stuff as inspiration hits me.
I'm thinking "haiku."
I love haiku.


  1. I can never get over how creative you are and how beautiful your work! BTW, did you get the ecard that I sent you?

  2. What a lovely thing to do! I love the tissue paper :) and I'm looking forward to seeing how you do the inside.

  3. Ah Kimmie1 Gesso pages: these are something i had not heard of before i began blogging. I have gesso primed wood and MDF before painting but never paper. How does it work in a book? More details please!!!

  4. I have that book - it was one of the childrens favourites when I was teaching. But now yours is taking on a new life....and I'm honoured to be part of the cover! Looking forward to some haiku....
    Linda x
    'Secret love
    Longing to straighten
    That crease on his sleeve'.
    (John Tiong Chunghoo)

  5. this is a beautiful work in progress ~i enjoy the step by step photos ...

  6. Very cool! Can't wait to see more.

    Take Care - Robin

  7. I have that book also!!! Your reincarnation of the book is beautiful!!!

  8. Wow! Your cover packs a wallop! Looks just great!

  9. I am so intrigued with your projects of late. I love that you "saved" that cereal box from the recycle. Soon I will be off on Tuesdays from work and look forward to joining your Tuesday tea party!

  10. I love the book already! I Love how you added the front from your inchies/twinchies cereal box art!! Are the pages insidet this book thin or like chipboard?
    I'm excited to see how you do the inside and thanks for the cute idea too.

  11. WOW you're off to a great start, haiku's will be fantastic!

  12. LOVED teaching haiku and cinquain patterns to second graders, and a sweet habit to form in my own time now. THANKS FOR SHARING the step by step to transforming your book cover. i can do this!! sandpaper and gesso, and will try to busy myself while "waiting for the gesso to dry"...

  13. What a lovely art !
    Rini the Netherlands


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