
Friday, May 15, 2009

It's like waiting for gesso to dry

Lumilyon was wondering what all this talk about gessoing pages is about (see yesterday's post). It's very tedious.

Today I .....

... gessoed 2 pages and did some laundry ...

... gessoed 2 pages and vacuumed ...

... gessoed 2 pages and mopped ...

... gessoed 1 page (because the other page was too pretty to cover up) and had lunch ...


(here's another book I did in this same technique last summer: phase one and phase two)


  1. At least you're disciplined enough to do house worthy things, while waiting for gesso to dry!!!!LOL

  2. oo now your house is nice and clean....i want to know what you had for lunch!! it looks so yummy!!!

  3. Hi Jean - it was rice and leftover porkchops with tangerines and green onions and soy sauce.

    and Ooglebloops - I've been goofing off ever since lunch - having "done my time" and all :)

  4. Lovely way to spend a Friday :)
    Kim, do you put any sealer over the gesso? Or does it hold pretty good? I used it on a light block a while back and it got a drip on it and it just took the gesso off! I know that it quite a different surface--just curious :)

  5. Nancy - I haven't had any trouble like that - I've always had great luck with coating paper with it. Itmakes a wonderful foundation to add other stuff like collage and paint. Pigment inks for stamping work well too (dye inks just fade away)

  6. Thanks Kim, I think I need to go to a garage sale and get a book or two :)

  7. Hee hee - at least your house is clean!

  8. I always feel better about creative time when I have our "water machines" cranked up and running. Specifically the dishwasher and washing machine. Excellent use of "wait time.!


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