This is the backside of an old post card. I should have taken a picture of it before I went after it with my thoughts and rubber stamps. I got to thinking about communicating by (post cards in the old days) e-mail, facebook, myspace, twitter, voice mail .... all the ways we avoid saying too much and get away with saying very little. And still we mess it up. The fine art of communication - is it a lost art?
I made this in participation with Wednesday Stamper: alter the back of a post card. I used all stamps and a little bit of Krylon pen.
wonderful postcard!!!
Wow this is very impressive.
Unbelievable card.
Cheerful and pretty!
Very cool!! I think, sadly, communication thru handwritten means is definitely becoming a lost art. I guess that is why we are so attracted to old letters, handwriting and paper - !!!
Kimmie, how perfect! Your observations are well taken. I have oodles of old postcards from my grandparents to each other before they married. It is a different world! Your doodlings and collagings are great!
This is wonderful Kimmie...and I think you're right about communication...I can't remember the last time I sat and wrote a letter using a pen !
This looks great, love the vibrant colours.
Love the composition and colours!
I applaud and cheer your written and visual expression of your thoughts.
wonderful look to your postcard Kimmie, brilliant use of stamps
communication certainly IS tricky and all of the modern options don't really seem to be helping it all that much from what I can tell :)
thanks for your good wishes, it's pretty bad when I can't sit in my favorite (computer) chair!
Absolutely beautiful...gorgeous card!
Wonderful collage Posrcard.
Well, this is pretty darn creative! What a fabulous piece of art, Kimmie!
wonderful!! and i agree with your question....i wonder too...
Your art is so wonderful, Kimmie. It's quirky and deeply spiritual all at once. I just love it. I have to disagree with you about the internet and communication, though. I find it incredibly unifying -- not a worse or better way to communicate but a different way. Although I do love a good letter that comes in the mail...
I think it's just cuz I'm new to facebook and there's a whole new set of rules to abide by. You can't just say whatever the hell you please on somebody's (or your own) wall - cuz for pity's sake IT'S A WALL .... I feel like a dinosaur :)
I remember the days of letter writing, back before computers and all. Do miss receiving them in the mail too. Great thought you have put into your piece. Very creative.
well done
This postcard is very inspiring ! I like the bright colors and your thoughts about communication.
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