(this is: Twinings Blackcurrant, Ginseng, Vanilla tea)
Today's tea was sent to me from the other side of the world (practically). Linda (Blue Eyed Girl is her blog) sent a wonderful package of happy goodies including tea, inchies, and wonderful embellie sort of things. See the lace on top of the pile? She made that lace herself using bobbins. Incredible! What I'm sending her is tea, inchies and embellies too - but alas, no handmade lace ;)

Making her own lace using bobbins has set her on some solid footing for making inchies dontcha think? The 1" size is obviously not too small for her to work some magic. Beautiful! She said this was her first time at making inchies!

The disintegration project update will be a final one on Friday May 1st. So no update today. In fact the disintegration project will be going into hiding after May 1st until August 1st (see this post).
I want to start having "Tea Parties" on Tuesdays though. Here's my idea: make yourself a cuppa (tea or coffee), post a picture of it on your blog with a little something to say about your day, and then link back here in the comments. We'll all make the rounds to see what's up with our blogging buddies and take a pause for some friendship over a hot cuppa .... sound like fun?
p.s. In fact, Linda is joining me for tea today .... go Here to see her lovely cuppa and a bit of her day :)