
Monday, May 30, 2011

tea tome

well, it's not really a "tome"

but it is to a kid
the book is "Hoot" by Carl Hiaasen
and the kid says she is a power reader

"I'm on page  231 mom!"

the tea is Montana Gold

there is nothing better than a really good book and an equally good cup of tea!

do you have a tea post for today?
put your link here and be sure to visit the other blogs that link here too
it's fun!


  1. love the idea of a power reader. yes, when a book is good that's what it feels like reading it. zoom. glad your daughter likes to read. real books.!

  2. It's great that your daughter is a reader. It will take her far in life. And that is a super photo of the tea cup, too.

  3. Happy Happy Tuesday! Kimmie!!!
    this is a reminder that I have loads of reading to catch up....:)))

  4. The best gift we could bequeath a child is a love of reading. Well done, Mom!!! Tea and books are a marriage made in heaven. Happy Tuesday! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. ummm doubly inviting Kimmie!

    Tuesday kind of snuck up on me...yesterday I kept thinking it was Sunday

    Happy T to you and yours!

  6. That's oldest is a "power reader" My youngest...not so much. :)
    Have a great day!

  7. Hurray for your daughter!
    Is she one of those kids that you have to tell, "Go outside and PLAY", because she would RATHER stay inside and read? ;)

    I was that kid. Now I don't have time to read. :(

    Happy Tea Day!

  8. Who's young hand is that on page 231? Your girls are all power readers--and writers!

  9. Sounds like a good book and quite an ambitious page turner at over 300 pages! Happy T on T
    P.S go here:

  10. No tea time for me today, it's just coffee, coffee, coffee!

    Ciao Bella!


  11. Oh a good book, a cup of tea and a nice lie down....the perfect revival recipe. No tea post from me AGAIN, just dropping by to say hi. So great your daughter loves to read, one of mine does the other doesn't. I love to read, my husband doesn't. Each to their own I guess, but I can't imagine not having at least one book on the go. Happy Tea Tuesday to you. xx


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