
Saturday, January 7, 2017

walk with me

... through the winter garden.

Sage wisdom rests deceptively,
While summertime joy rusts on the wall,
And buds wrestle wood and frost and bone.
Birds have a dwindling pantry.
Grief remembers it still.
Other ghosts will always remain defiant
Even as lost lagan and derelict are sheltered like treasure.


  1. So much beauty here -- I am so glad that you're blogging again, Kim!

  2. One more time i realize how important it is to share beauty: it nourishes the soul.I found this quote on Teresa Robinson's blog today and it expresses perfectly what i felt reading your words and admiring your pictures: " As soon as we choose Beauty, unseen forces conspire to guide and encourage us towards unexpected forms of compassion, healing and creativity".

    1. Lovely words - I would say too that as we choose beauty, we disable in one small way the forces of ugliness and meanness in the world as well

  3. mmm, savoring the words...xox

  4. I haven't visited your place in a very long time...your words and pictures bring me peace and calm
    my heart. Lovely...

    1. Thank you - I feel the need to spread a little calm around my corner of the world. It's crazy out there.


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