
Saturday, November 12, 2016


I am wearing a safety pin everywhere I go.
I keep a dish of them by the front door.
You can follow this link for the origins and how wearing a safety pin has become a symbol of peace in troubled times (or read on for my simplistic version):

The wearing of a safety pin signifies that you are a safe person and will stand with and welcome anyone no matter what they look like, who they love, where the originate, or how they worship. It has the potential to secretly encourage the discouraged or be a beacon of friendship to one who is in a threatening situation. It can also serve as a constant reminder to the wearer that love and kindness truly matters.


  1. Sounds like a wonderfully touching symbol. I may do this myself.... plus your little bowl of pins is so sweet'

  2. I wave at you from my corner of the world and want to express my solidarity and sympathy.This safety pin is a beautiful initiative and the proof that there is always hope and beautiful people, you are one of them. I send encouragements and peaceful thoughts your way,

  3. I am wearing one, too. I need to go buy some more.....

  4. I bought safety pins some time back. Thinking of ways to simply embellish them with crochet/beads so that we can all wear them, daily.

  5. Me, too. I have extras in my pocket. If I meet someone who comments on my safety pin, I have one for them..........


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