
Saturday, September 10, 2016

modern naturalist

We are in a new epoch (like the dinosaurs)
- Anthropocene -
it refers to the impact of humans on our natural world.

I realized that my art reflects that.

I have gathered a still life of found objects.
Some of it is natural.
Some of it is human detritus.
Pictured above:
chair spindles; birch bark; clam shell; dried seed pods; thread spool; beach stone; flash card; brass tray; bottle cap 

All of these things will be used in my art at some point. They're things I have picked up in my natural world. Walking the dog, combing the beach,  parking the car, rescued from the trash, gifted from a friend.

A modern nature walk.
A modern naturalist. 


  1. LOVE You are a naturalist, there's just more trash! Which you use so well. xox

  2. This is a beautiful collection! I'm looking forward to see how you use these items. I'm also known for collecting pieces I find to try to work into my art, even once going so far as to call myself (in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way) a "pick-up artist". However, my collection is more gathering dust than anything right now, though I'm slowly getting to my finds. I know you will create some beautiful pieces with these bits and wish you all the best!

  3. i love this beautiful and simple collection. Very inspiring!

  4. Hello, I just started following your blog. I happened to find you through my current obsession in Pinterest and photo transfer which you got over a few years ago...hehehe. I was wondering if you or anyone of your followers could help me. If you would like to try, please email me @

    I find that now that I've begun crafting and photographing I see more of the world good and bad and I either pick up after it or document it.

  5. Nice bits...especially those seed pods!

  6. I love working with organic materials! These are beautiful <3


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