
Thursday, January 14, 2016

tin pan alley

I have plans for these lovely metal elements 

there's something about the old aluminum

I just love it

is it that it's just  N O T  plastic?

or could it be the promise it still keeps:
 "to last forever?"

lasting so long that it is now hopelessly homely?

and completely corny?


  1. Beautiful! Peanut butter used to come in a tin can? Amazing! And I can see that it says only peanuts and salt. With the introduction of plastic, our food also started being contaminated with fillers. A shame indeed. Enjoy playing with your lovely tins. Have a great Friday!

  2. I was just yesterday given two old tins, so I look forward to seeing what you do with yours. They will rust out before their days-gone-by beauty and charm stop shining through.

  3. I can't wait to see what wonderful thing you come up with!

  4. Oh, I know what you mean about "Not Plastic". Everything these days is plastic, from peanut butter jars to politicians. When will it stop! Your collection is adorable and I would love to see how you display them . . . I especially like the Peanut Butter Can :)
    Have a lovely day!
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  5. Marvelous pieces, just seeing them in a bit of collection. Yes, not plastic I guess. Patina, well used and kept. xox


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