
Sunday, November 29, 2015



Life is more hectic than ever and I've felt drained "beyond reason" (as I told a friend recently). I will be trying to tend to my creative side more kindly. My sanity and my energy will return as it always does when I have times of "slowing down and seeing" - the first and most important ingredients in a creative life. I've not much time to set my hands to scissors, paintbrushes, pliers, needle, thread, but my phone is always with me and the camera in it is awesome. I will blog these seeing moments. It is a kindness to myself worth sharing wth you.


  1. Simply beautiful. Who knew that frost could lie so gently on a plant.

  2. I'm so thankful for my slowing down time now. I ran the rat race for far too long for people who didn't deserve my time and energy. My phone is full of images of every day things and life. I don't always use the pictures I take, but I take them anyways. There's always so much to be thankful for. Here's hoping you find time for creativity very soon. Blessings, Tammy

  3. I love seeing your blog on my sidebar rise up letting me know that you've posted again! And that picture is incredible! I hope you get the rest and nurturing you deserve.

  4. Miss your wonderful creative projects, but your phone is sure a winner when you share what you experience. xox

  5. Beautiful.

    And simple.

    A delightful shot!

  6. I am tired beyond reason too. Soul weary is what I call it.
    And yes, the best and only real treatment I know is coming back to this one moment, a moment to notice where I am in this universe.
    Wishing you an abundance of those precious moments of peace, Kim.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....