
Wednesday, September 2, 2015


We were lucky enough to have 3 days on Camano Island - I have never been there even though it's only an hour away 

This is the beach we walked down to several times a day:
The beaches here are rocky and desolate 
- no beach umbrellas or volleyball here -
 we love it this way.
Our beach had tons of driftwood. 
Some of it was entire trees.
Here's a crafty fellow who made his flag with driftwood:
The kids made a game of "setting the driftwood free"  ... they said it was imprisoned on the shore and longed to keep drifting :)
I enjoyed the view from the house and attempted painting it:
And the art fun continues with all of my souvenirs - rocks on my desk:
Here's my try at an anatomical heart:
But my favorite is this moon and sun face:

September is here with cooler days and nights ... putting us in the mood for hot cocoa and cozy corners ... but I'll have summer souvenirs on my desk long into the winter months.


  1. I love that Pacific Northwest -- the driftwood, the lonely beaches and beautiful landscape. It looks like a peaceful and restful time!

  2. That island holds very fond memories for me! My dad's cousin had a house on the island. I remember beach combing there as a kid. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!!

  3. Exactly the kind of solitude I like. What a lovely place. Heart rock is pretty cool as is the Sun/Moon. Nice souvenirs. I would have wanted to leave all my stuff and haul home some logs. xox

  4. Just the way I like a beach, too. Your painting and rocks are terrific!

  5. Oh my the driftwood!! I love it and of course being from the middle of the USA...I see very little of it!! I have three small pieces and some that is just really old dry wood that is from a pond. "Make do" driftwood. Sounds like a great getaway.

  6. Looks and sounds like a perfect beach to me too.
    You were in rock heaven I'm sure!
    Mr M brought home a heart shaped rock and when he turned it over it looked anatomically correct with chambers and such...your painted rocks are wonderful Kimmie.
    AND your watercolor is too!
    I have just dipped into a new watercolor set with hopes of something good coming out of it ;-)
    Oh and don't get me started on driftwood...that is THE most unique use of it I believe I've ever seen for the flag.
    The kids really made me smile.

  7. great post, how I love Camano Island... and just giggling over that driftwood flag, very clever... and yes you will have summer on your desk all year!! xo

  8. omg!!! i am totally drooling over these pictures! What a place to stoke the creative juices. So happy for you to have had this special time.

  9. Love the watercolor and its title!


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