
Monday, June 22, 2015

journal class

I had two days last week of teaching art journal basics to some friends of mine. 

My goal is to develop a class that I can teach easily to anyone (not just my pals)

The benefits always fall back on me.
I get to play too.
(This is a children's board book)

This page demonstrates three color brayered background, gesso texture and pattern, collage elements, sharpie and paint illustration, stamping with paint, and tissue paper transparent journaling.


  1. Cool! Wish I could sit in on that class. Have a great week. Tammy

  2. that is one of the major benefits of teaching - getting to play with others!

  3. I would love to take a class if I were nearby, you are so creative and prolific, your students are fortunate!

  4. I would love to take a class if I were nearby, you are so creative and prolific, your students are fortunate!

  5. Great stuff ! I am working on an art workshop group at my favorite new art hang out Art More place in Melbourne, FL in the fall. Going to teach some basics and have a group that gathers monthly to play. Such fun ! Brilliant Kims !


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