
Friday, May 22, 2015

revival survival

I rescued this sweet little plant from one of those upscale home decor stores. You know the kind - lots of Paris themed pillows, urns, and soaps. Olive baskets, burlap stuff, and chandeliers.

This poor little guy was drowning in his cocoa tin - I took him home, punched holes in the tin, and drained out a bunch of water. I let it dry out for a few weeks and now only water him a tiny bit just once in a while.

And now he has some family to keep him company. And all their tins have drainage holes ... for that tiny bit of water just once in a while.


  1. Beautiful succulents in very cute tins.....inspiring. I forget to water most plants....ferns are not my friend, so maybe these would suit my need for fresh, green and alive. Thank you. xx

  2. Succulents are the bomb. They're totally de riguer now here in Los Angeles, too, given our drought.

  3. I plant my succulents in tins too, but nothing so pretty as that cocoa tin, what a fabulous find!

  4. Fun planters. I have a tea tin waiting to do the same...or perhaps as a desk organizer. One never knows what will be the inspiration of the moment. But first I have to finish the tea inside. :)


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