
Thursday, March 5, 2015

just working

this week I'm making pocket poems
(repurposed book covers,  paint, book text)
last week I made crowns
this crown says "the queen of quite a lot actually"
sometimes I wonder


April is national poetry month
April 30th is pocket poetry day


the crowns are easily made with 36 gauge aluminum (or recycled pie tins)
my instructions for tooling the metal can be found in the sidebar under "metal-smithing"


  1. Love the pocket poems and the crown, so pretty!

  2. I am astounded that you made the crowns....they are fabulous!!

  3. Ah, now I get the crowns. Just catching up. Lovely canvases too. Are they wrapped with cheesecloth? xox

  4. These are so cool! Have you ever thought to offer these crowns as swag for Meg Duerksen's craft weekends - do you know her blog? It's called "whatever" & is on my sidebar. It has a BIG following. Another blogger who might love them is Stephanie Nielsen of the NieNie Dialogues. She always has a big celebration for her kids' birthdays and back-to-school day.

  5. Those crowns are fantastic! Pretty pocket poems and lovely tea. Happy Tuesday! Tammy


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