
Monday, January 26, 2015

color pop

Acrylic painting on canvas
-it was an experiment-
Let me tell you the process
This began as a photo transfer - which failed.
I was rushing it and rubbed most of the image completely off.
My next step was to attack it with paint.
I painted the grass and shadow background in the aboriginal style of Australia which I LOVE so much.
For the dog, I very carefully painted over the image (which was mostly intact) in a paint by numbers style. By that I mean that I limited myself to 4-5 colors and worked dark to light in distinct sections without blending. I left the eyes alone because they were a good transfer and I knew I'd really mess it up there.
Then for the ball, I just gave it the Pop Art treatment. I chose orange because of the strong color contrast and painted it as flat orange circle with no shading.
My goal was to mix realism with primitivism and end up with something playful.

Now to you who are sitting under a blanket of snow today - may you dream of warmer, more colorful, more playful times. They aren't so far away as it feels.


  1. I love it. Good thing the transfer failed! A new direction is born. xox

  2. SUCCESS! Great process and fabulous result!Mistakes are always my best work! You really have done a very good thing here!

  3. Love it - now to find my photo transfer stuff and mess it up a bit. The snow is falling and the wind is blowing; I can't wait to try this idea.

    PS: Really like your blog too.


  4. Wow! Great work! I really like the effect you achieved with the aboriginal style of painting.

  5. Another wonderfully expressive, totally delightful piece of art on my wall, from my favorite artist. Thank you, thank you, Kim!

  6. You have a wonderful way of working with whatever happens. It's a contemplative way of working, and it reminds me to be more accepting, because your result is always joyfully beautiful, even if it's not what you originally set out to do. I love your style, and think you could easily teach a fabulous week-long art course to recovering perfectionists (like me).

  7. Its amazing Acrylic painting on canvas. I must say it was really a great experience for you. Well, thanks for sharing the process with us. I will teach this process to my kid’s as they love to make Aboriginal Art paintings while they are free or especially in summer holidays. I like your blog dear.


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