
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

from the car

I love taking pictures from the car
the motion adds a dreamlike quality
I usually am the passenger
I never really know what I captured until I get to the editing stage
only 1 out of 10 shots is any good
but when there's a good one ....
it takes my breath away


  1. I love to do this too! Your "good one" is really good!

  2. Got to love that the incremental cost of each photo is essentially nil. Back in the bad old film days, every shot cost me about 75 cents. No snapping away for me, in case one in 10 or 20 might be great, when the price was that high...

    Being able to take as many pics as I want has surely had a huge impact on my photography!

    Love your pics, especially the first and last ones. :-)

  3. They are all nice, but that last one is awesome.

  4. That shot truly is breathtaking, Kim !
    Happy Shooting !

  5. that last shot is gorgeous - I know exactly the spot where that is on the river road - one of my favorite roads in the area...

  6. Beautiful, all of them. And the frost doubly so.


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