
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

fresh starts

having cleaned and organized my workspace today
I feel quite ready for a fresh start

I even sorted through my art cabinet

after all that work - I'm now taking some chamomile tea in the afternoon breeze

and another kind of a fresh start
(thank you to Kim at Queen of Arts website for the link love to this fun summer project: The August Break)


  1. What a beautiful studio! Thank you for the link to the August Break, too. Looks like great and iinspiring fun.

  2. The view out that window is inspiring. I did it (I think) entered in to the AUGUST BREAK site, Not sure what I'm getting in to since I do already take pictures almost every day...but listed my blog without signing up for the letter a day. Love to you.

  3. What a fantastic view and nice cabonet there. xox

  4. It always feels great to sit in a room after you have tidied it up. I need to do that badly. Today it is just my altar space though. Can't wait to get started. Have fun with the August break.

  5. Gorgeous art cabinet!! :)))))

  6. Oh, your space is so lovely ! Invites me in to come and play.
    Glad to know you are playing along with August Break too !
    Enjoy these summer days !

  7. I love your space -- those windows! I have one of your pieces of art hanging right in "my space" -- the three photo transfers (rain, cloud, sky). You inspire me, every single day.

  8. What a view! All that greenery! Beautiful. Blessings, Tammy


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