
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

felt scraps

I have lots of felt scraps from over the years (I save the oddest things) ... and I recently ran across an old time folk art that I can use my felt scraps for. A "penny mat."

In the late 1800's, thrifty and wise women used cast off woolen clothing to recycle into felted things like hats and mittens. With the scraps left over from those scraps, they would use coins as a template and cut out small circles.

These circles (or "pennies") of felt would then be made into runners, mats, and other decorative things for the house. In my imagination I see a log cabin - Honest Abe reading by candlelight and Ma stitching up lovely things with felt scraps.

A small and portable project for summertime wanderings and road trips. Do you have projects like this that travel well? I'd love to hear about them ....


  1. I remember reading about those penny scraps made of wool felt years ago. I think I was either in Girl Scouts or 4-H at the time. We made some into folk art wall hangings, if I recall correctly. Your scraps are beautiful, and so colorful. I'm sure they will travel well with you this summer.

  2. I have always loved these! Cant wait to see it when it is done.

  3. so inventive and colorful. actually I think Claire Murray has a rug with a similar pattern

  4. Lovely. I save scraps, too and drive myself crazy doing so as I don't use them up fast enough. Crochet is always with me wherever I go. Easy to carry and to work on whenever, wherever. Have a great day. Tammy

  5. Sweet, colorful circles, always a winner in my book. xox

  6. I love your penny circles! I mainly take a little sketch book with me on my travels. I haven't been drawing much lately, so perhaps a get away is needed to get me drawing! I also loved your photos with the new app, your bottle cap art and your sea glass photo transfers. What fun is the diversity of creating with bits and pieces of found items!

  7. Love your colorful scraps. I'm sure they will travel well with you wherever you go.

    Gaby xo

  8. Love your colorful scraps. I'm sure they will travel well with you wherever you go.

    Gaby xo

  9. I was talking to someone about penny rugs last week, I'm thinking they'd be a perfect way to use some of my naturally dyed wool scraps. I'll be interested to see your project develop.

  10. Love scrap art !!! I am in a stitching group with Deb Taylor from Deb Did It and we are stitching little "quillows", quilted pillows from scraps of all kinds. Portable and great to do while sipping lemonade watching the world go by or in front of the tv.
    Happy Summer Creating !


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