
Monday, November 18, 2013

Philippine Relief

overwhelmed by the images of the devastation from Typhoon Haiyan,
I took my desire to help to my work desk.

When things like this happen, we want to help.

my thoughts of the Filipino people go immediately to the most basic of human needs:
food, water and shelter

but I also think of:
calm after the storm
peace in the midst of chaos
trust when life is achingly uncertain
quiet in the clamor of confusion
hope when children are looking up to you
love that survives the very worst in life

each piece of beach glass has a Filipino word on one side 
and the corresponding English word on the reverse
they are available in my Etsy shop for $5 each and 100% will be donated to
a reputable 501(c) organization I supported after the Japanese Tsunami in March 2011
I plan to paint at least 200 of these
and will have a weekly update of the funds raised - by you and me together - right here on my blog


  1. I can not do financial transactions via internet, but want to applaud your response here. I too am moved by this, and so many other disasters world wide, including the tornado devastation to the Midwest. Sending love and prayer.

  2. You are a beautiful person. What a wonderful way to help...very special glass. I am sure you will sell all of them. We have some special charities set up in Australia, but the recovery after such devastation will be on going and very slow.....I can't imagine. xx

  3. I've already made a donation through some Benedictine Sisters but I'm thinking I may make another...God be with those poor people.

  4. These are beautiful. I am going to purchase some for two friends who have family in the Philippines.

  5. Beautiful and touching way to do good Kimmie...
    So much help will be needed there for many years to come...
    Blessings to all ♥

  6. My little green "peace" treasure featured in my meditation altar and my blog post today, Kim.
    Thanks for what you bring to the world.

  7. I hope all is going well. Kudos to you doing what you can to help. Wishing you and yours all the best. Tammy


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