
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

one fine day 10

the dishes are done,
everyone is home,
and the youngest one says, "Mom, come see the hummingbirds outside the window"
I missed the hummingbirds
but it's 6:52 pm
and I can say it has been one fine day


  1. Not just a fine day, but an incredible photo, too.

  2. A very nice photo through the screen. You can never see the pic well through mine...maybe I need to wash my screens ~lol~

  3. lovely to have a fine day. and to share it too.

  4. Delphiniums? Pretty view through the screen. xox

  5. Love the photo even though you missed the hummingbirds. The texture through the screen is fantastic!!

  6. Beautiful photo. Love the 'blurred' background created by the screen, beautiful colours, love the 'painterly' look. xx

  7. Hummingbird viewings are a delight !
    Wishing you those to add to your fine, fine days !

  8. If the weather here is anything like the weather there ... well we've had lots of fine days and actually it's too darn hot for me now. I'm craving cooling breezes and showers in the night!

    Interesting image, and is that aquilegia?


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