
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

today's work

this work I do is sometimes such a surprise to me
... what comes out ...
the unexpected thought rises up


  1. It's amazing what shows up isn't it. Lovely words. xox

  2. I love the simplicity and elegance in this day's work. Happy Easter! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  3. This piece is so delightfully elegant and lovely. You are so talented.
    Your blogging sister, Connie

  4. Lovely Kimmie! It's amazing what can come from a little thought when you just let it flow.

  5. Beautiful words from a beatuful person. Love your work.

  6. Your tea bags and stitching and creativity is always so beautiful and inspiring, but today it was your words that really hit the mark with me. My life seems to be just a little bit out of 'kilter' at the moment, a little bit of a speed wobble. Nothing major just a whole lot of things that have happened that have made life difficult for us as a family, through no fault of our own, so these words gave me hope. Enjoy your Easter Kim, in what ever way you choose to celebrate it. xx

  7. beautiful stitches, beautiful words, beautiful colours....lovely work!

  8. it is the best kind of creating Kimmie ... letting things emerge worked so beautifully on this piece for certain!

    Wishing you and yours a lovely Eastertime!


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....