
Saturday, February 9, 2013


my favorite thing to do is to take a mundane object and transform it into something beautiful

a n    a l u m i n u m    p i e    t i n

a n    a r t    p i e c e

the photo is of a woman posing with her dog - all it says on the back of the photo is "winnipeg"
(probably the 1920's)
I'm amazed at the number of photos from this era which I find of women posing with their dogs
and men posing with their cars
I imagine friends asking friends to snap a picture while they pose with their beloved companion
... be it a dog or a car


and another kind of transformation beginning to take place:

s n o w d r o p s    i n    f e b r u a r y


  1. Very clever use of such an everyday looks so much more now.
    Spring makes itself known slowly....I have snowdrops pushing their noses out too:)

  2. I can only raise my eyebrows when I see what you've made out of such an ordinary item. I have read your blog for years now and I never cease to be surprised at your talent --

  3. I have no idea how you did this but it is A...MAZ..ING !

  4. This is so beautiful and you are so clever. The tin foil 'frame' suits the photo perfectly, you have done an amazing job. While your pretty little snowdrops are appearing, our leaves are turning red. xx

  5. the frames are absolutely beautiful....but the snowdrops give me such hope! would love to know how you made the frames.

  6. To be able to see beauty in the mundane, in the cast off, is a wonderful thing. I love what you did with the pie tin.
    Yesterday on my walk in Old Stone Fort I saw the first buttercup in full bloom. Only one but it was enough to make my heart sing out for spring, it is coming!!

  7. Once again, you prove how clever you are. Super cool. Love the photo too. It goes perfectly in the frame.

  8. what a cute frame that pie pan made! when my dad passed away i inherited 3 huge boxes of old black and white family photos. and i have noticed the woman with dog theme going strong in them. the snowdrops are lovely. i'm just starting to see tulips and other spring plants peeking thru the earth here in indiana.

  9. How do you do that? Turning that pie plate into a frame is absolutely brilliant. And what a beautiful frame it is. You have showcased that sweet old photo so beautifully. Have a wonderful day. Tammy

  10. Fantastic transformation! Love this piece. You are ever so clever.....Any snowdrops we might have popping are under 30" of snow....ah well. xox

  11. You work magic, Kim !
    Yes, a woman and her dog is a sweet, sweet thang !
    Happy Sunday !

  12. honestly Kim you are the queen of clever, and I always enjoy seeing what you do with such mundane things... brilliant!

  13. Oh snowdrops!!!! That makes me feel light hearted after all this snow!

    And I love with you did with that aluminum pie plate...really decorative and striking!

  14. Your creation is awesome, really unique...I love it! Oh, those snowdrops make me happy, will have to wait a bit here though, but thanks for making my day! :)

  15. amazing transformation of the ordinary pie tin. I do adore photos from that era. This is a charmer. And to be able to see something ready to bloom!!!!! magic.

  16. you are an artful master at elevating common items into art!

    your snowdrops are perfection too!

  17. oh kim, that is wonderful! i adore old, unknown photos...your frame is just perfect...lovely snowdrops too!


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