
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

making color

 it was fun to read how everyone is tackling their winter blues and lack of color:

We are painting the interior of our house, all kinds of wonderful colors.....tomato bisque, apache clay, grey expose, honeysuckle beige (a yellow), canyon earth,dusky hyacinth,and wetlands (a green). Wonderful names and wonderful fun colors. They are all in a color family and when I look from one room to the next, it makes me smile.   -Yvonne

Everything around here is white with snow and so this afternoon l paint a sun!  -Lynda

turning all the lights on in the house or my studio seems to help!!  -Caterina

surrounded by colorful things, from embroidery to Tibetan prayer flag, and no matter what the fickle weather throws, there's color in my mind's eye, color in my memories. I wear red, stay in bed imagining the vistas of this wide, wide world, listen to colorful music, eat apples, beets and carrots, fling colorful words and strokes in pencil, pen, or brush across a ragged page, and so abide, content within my days. -Ms.

yes, I'm big-time color starved--I need to go pull out some colorful fabric and make something/anything with it!

I am dreaming of green...I bought myself a bunch of tulips, orange with yellow tips, with the groceries this week. What a gift !  And my rainbow of embroidery floss does make me smile.  -Kim

Yes! You diagnosed what I'm suffering from! I hate my phone's camera for that reason-- all of the photos come out "blue" and somber. Today I tried retouching photos for my post on a "new" editing program my daughter loaded on my computer. Things are a little brighter, but could be better.  -Nathalie

our fog has lifted today - finally
but here are a couple of parting shots from yesterday
Rime Ice coating the tree branches
(Rime Ice, which I had never heard of before now, is formed in freezing fog conditions)


  1. rime ice is just lovely! i have not heard of it either, but thank you for introducing it to me.

  2. Gasp--the ice sculpture! I love "jump rope"......wheeeeeeeeeeeee.

  3. Never heard or have seen anything like your Rime Ice ... Mother Nature continues to amaze and so do you dear Kimmie!

  4. the ice is always gorgeous. I love hoar frost too - just coating everything with thick fuzzy white crystals - so beautiful.

  5. The ice is quite gorgeous, I have heard of it but didn't know the definition, now I do...painting with orange always lifts me up and make me warm. xox

  6. Cute stitching, beautiful images and wonderful, wonderful words. These could all go into a little book to "brighten our days". TFS xx

  7. Love your stitches and rime ice is a new one for me.
    I wish you many color filled days ahead.

  8. I've never heard of Rime Ice either! Hoar frost...but not rime ice. Interesting.
    Love the stitching. I was trying my hand at some last week on a piece of frustrated because the denim had a bit of stretch to it which made it hard.

  9. Hope you are not getting the freezing rain they keep predicting for our area.

  10. Learned of rime ice here today too. Lovely to look at from inside...;-)
    It is fun to hear what others are doing to make it through this winter season intact. Thank God for our creative juices !
    Love the stitching, Kim !
    Happy Thursday !

  11. I'm making brightly coloured patchwork as part of my new project for 2013. Take a look here at my new blog ...
    It has really taken off and is a splash of colour, love and giving, amidst all the slushy grey snow and cold dismal days.
    I love your embroidery and your photographs.
    Spring will soon be here!
    Jo x

  12. Those kind of stitches warm my heart!


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