
Thursday, January 3, 2013

a good day for the beach

(Mukilteo Beach on Puget Sound)

I gave myself a mini escape to the beach a few days before Christmas
not to catch any rays (the sun went down at 4:00)
but to look for stones
isn't it an amazing place?
I never tire of it - no matter how cold it is

(not much sand - but lots of great beach stones!)

and now I've washed and dried the stones I collected

and painted them too
(another thing I never tire of - perhaps the most relaxing art project ever!)


  1. I am ever amazed at the little creatures you see in your rocks.

  2. I love your little faces and feathers, yes, I never tire of the beach either, love it in winter too. Except today it is only 18F so it's a bit frosty for sea spray. xox

  3. Lovely! Is it better to use ink or paint? Your stones are lovely and I'd love it give it a try!

  4. love the beach, the rocks, sea glass, and everything connected to them. beautiful painted rocks kimmie.

  5. god herself couldn't have done it better! Your stones are super fine.

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  7. A perfect place to wander around! I love your little "bean" birds, they are the cutest!!

  8. your painted rocks are so charming and unique. i love stones too. lucky you to have a beach like that nearby.

  9. I love your stones, beautiful, you had a wonderful day!

  10. Oh, I am drooling over your beach ! And your sweet painted beings !
    Happy New year, Talented One !

  11. I LOVE YOUR PAINTED STONES. I "picked some up" yesterday, too :) and crocheted covers for them. Best wishes, Tammy

  12. Love the allure of wet rocks much like seashells each with their own charm color and shape

    I spy a gorgeous "turquoise" heart stone in your second photo

    what a perfectly wonderful spot any time I'm sure!

    Happy Happy New Year to you and yours dear Kimmie!
    p.s. Love your arted rocks so much too!

  13. I love your painted rocks. I've seen them before and even picked up a nice little round flat rock to paint something on. It's still sitting on my dresser 3 months later, but someday.....


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