
Friday, November 2, 2012


a recent conversation posed the question,
what do you do when you're needing inspiration?

my answer was 
getting out in nature

today, it was a 30 minute walk on the trail

and I took my camera

so, if I were to revisit that original conversation,
the more complete answer would be
getting out in nature with my camera

life has been 
hectic lately

time to slow down and take time to see


  1. At least I can leave a comment on your blog, one of few lately. Your nature inspired photos are divine. I really like how you use your camera. It is true art behind the lens.

  2. A walk outside in the beauty of the natural world always clears my head too. Love your pics:)

  3. I'm with you on the camera and nature idea to spark inspiration, works every time for me, and your photos are fantastic, I also love your 'header' photograph, beautiful colours and it cloth or paper ? Good luck with the 'slowing down' part...I find the momentum in our lives has a mind of it's own and is often difficult to control. xx

  4. Oh I so agree. Nothing like a good walk in the fresh air to clear the head, blow away the cobwebs and refresh.....I just came back from one. xox

  5. nature never disappoints...
    this evening just outside our front door I took about a dozen sunset photos...every few seconds it changed and called me to snap another and another and ...

    Happy November dear Kimmie

  6. Well, I love to get outdoors also, but visiting blogs like yours with super wonderful gorgeous photos helps too! You are a natural with the camera, very beautiful shots Kimmie! Thanks for taking us with you on your walk!
    Happy weekend!

  7. Me too, me too, in fact I'm off out with mine later!

    Lovely post Kimmie :)

  8. You are very right! Taking a bit of time in the midst of the chaos can help bring us back. So glad you found your peace and inspiration on a walk.

  9. Gorgeous photos - they gave me a peace just looking at them!

  10. Remembering to get out and slow down and soak up the inspiration that nature gives so freely is a realy gift to oneself.
    Beautifully captured here !
    I hope your weekend has some of those slow down moments!

  11. I agree, nature is the best inspiration on the planet...I really love and appreciate your first photograph...nice manipulation:)

  12. I am totally at awe...your blog is a treat of all kinds...I am crazy about art and anything and everything related to my day is made! Can't help but follow you :)Do pay me a blessed visit!

  13. I escape to the studio... there are always things on the go and old sketchbooks to flick through and images and pictures I have printed out or torn from magazines... and it is a quiet haven for my tea and I...xx

  14. Wonderfully inspiring photos Kimmie. You have a great eye ;-)


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....