
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DIY folded box

I thought I could show you how I made the box that holds the hydrangea blossoms in last week's post
it's just a basic origami box
(and you may already know how to make this)

start with 2 squares of paper

cut one of them 1/4 inch smaller than the other

(I used book pages and cut them to 5 inches and 4 and a quarter inches square)

fold and unfold your paper squares diagonally, horizontally, and vertically

fold opposite corners to the center

fold to the center again

unfold and do the same with the remaining two corners

like so


fold two opposite corners to the center

turn lengthwise

take one end and fold like this

here's a close up

fold that corner all the way in to form a wall of the box

do the same with the opposite corner

like this

now you have a basic box

go around to each edge and crease it nicely

repeat on the other square of paper

one will be the box bottom

one will be the lid

I like to add a square of paper on the interior of the boxes to strengthen them and hide the folded in tabs

use a couple of dots of glue to hold it in place

this is how it looks from the bottom

go ahead and decorate the top if you'd like to
I just continued with the cut up greeting card I had used on the inside of the box

the larger the paper, the larger the box
scrapbook paper or watercolor paper works nicely for larger boxes
thin paper like book pages or origami paper work best for a smaller box


  1. I do believe my mermaid stones came in a box like this, and it's so beautiful that it exists as a piece of art itself on my desk. I love you, Kim -- how you make the world such a beautiful place.

  2. Didn't I just drop by? Now you have created this awesome tutorial. I really MUST try to make one of these boxes one of these days because I have SO many books and so many pages in each of those books. This box is superb. Thanks for showing us how you made it.

  3. I've made these boxes before and they are great, so useful as little gift boxes.....thank you for the reminder.

  4. "just" is an understatement when it comes to folding boxes. I think I did it once. although i love the results. it takes both talent and patience.

    i bought a handcrafted pin at a craft fair and the artist put it in a handmade box with shells glued on top. all that extra work!!! though it made a beautiful package.

  5. It is just beautiful! I would love to receive a box like this... and I should try to do it right? Thanks for the steps!

  6. Sweet, origami is always difficult for me, but I have a son who is a whiz and he can figure it out and show me. Lovely, simple, beautiful. xox

  7. What gorgeous little boxes, and thanks for sharing the 'how to make'. Re/ my image transfer, I used gel medium and paper napkins....some napkin images work and some don't. I haven't worked out yet why.....another one of lifes' little mysteries. xx

  8. Very cool! I didn't know how to fold a box! Very cute idea for a gift box! Thanks!

  9. a great tutorial kimmie, i can't wait to make one. i can imagine using it for stones or pieces of beach glass, so i guess i will have to use a bit stronger paper. looking forward to trying it.

  10. ooo wonderful! i made one once from a marjolein bastin greeting card of painted pink little boxes...xo thanks for sharing

  11. Your boxes are so neat...and the corners are perfect! On my list of things to do tomorrow....thank you

  12. perfectly lovely box for your garden treasures and more Kimmie...

    I did make one once, but like with most things I should have made another and another to really get the hang of it...

    I am still stuck on making origami dresses ;)

  13. That is pretty darn nifty. Must give this a try. I bought a Christmas origami gift set for my oldest son last year -- which he's never used. I must find it and give other projects a try. Have a fabulous Friday! Tammy

  14. Thank you Kimmie for this !
    love ♥RINI♥

  15. I feel a spot of box making coming on! Great tutorial, thank you Kimmie :D

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